After a long time, my #Vixen VC200L and Canon EOS R(a) finally had the chance to be used under a starry sky again. A fantastic duo—perfect for galaxy season.
Full story:
▼ Vixen VC200L | Canon EOS R(a) '25
After a long time, my #Vixen VC200L and Canon EOS R(a) finally had the chance to be used under a starry sky again. A fantastic duo—perfect for galaxy season.
Full story:
▼ Vixen VC200L | Canon EOS R(a) '25
Messier 96 is a spiral galaxy located approximately 31 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. The galaxy reaches its annual culmination at astronomical midnight around end February to early March.
Detailed Information:
Nothing to write home about, but at least I got something visible
I somehow managed to mess calibration frames so much, that darks were apparently brighter than lights (at least Siril told me, that 37% pixels after dark substraction had negative values, and result had indeed some strange all-black areas. No, I hadn't subtracted bias twice). So I had to toss the calibration out. And the noise is overwhelming. And it was shot under Bortle 6 sky. And there was moon. And I suppose I should have opted for lower ISO and longer stack. And there is coma, that was only accentuated by deconvolution, so I skipped deconvolution also. And … But!
Lumix G80, Olympus OM 300/4.5, no tracking, 152 frames stacked (out of 180, I really need a better tripod).
Fresh Astrophoto: Earth's Moon
A spontaneous #Moon photo with 1800mm focal length after collimating my #VC200L and making use of several clear nights.
Full story and session details:
m81 + m82 shot almost two weeks ago. #GalaxySeason #Astrophotography #Astrophoto
#astronomie 9 mètre de focale c'est beaucoup (T200 à F/45 ) faut vraiment avoir peu de turbulence, jusque minuit c'était ok mais après #jupiter était trop basse ou trop près de la maison (qui dégage de la chaleur ...) dommage, seul la première image du transit d'ombre est correcte. A droite les deux satellites IO et Ganymède, Europe est superposé à Jupiter et son ombre se projette sur le limbe opposé camera #zwo #ASI662mc, projection oculaire 15mm, traitement #siril
#astronomy #astrophoto
NGC3628 - the Hamburger Galaxy, 35 million light-years away.
Celestron NexStar Evolution 6 + ZWO ASI585MC Pro.
945mm, f6.3, 210 exposures of 60’’.
#telescope #telescopes #celestron #celestrontelescope #celestronnexstar #nexstarevolution #nexstarevolution6 #zwo #zwoasi #zwoasi585mc #astro #astrophoto #astrophotos #astrophotography #astrophotographer #spacephotography #astronomy #spaceexploration #nasa #universe #space #deepsky #deepspace #galaxy #galaxies #hamburger #hamburgergalaxy #ngc #ngc3628
Messier 95 is a barred spiral #galaxy located approximately 33 million light-years away in the #constellation #Leo, reaching its annual culmination at astronomical midnight and is best observed around end of February.
Detailed Information:
A close-up of the Rosette Nebula - SH2-275.
Celestron NexStar Evolution 6 + ZWO ASI585MC Pro.
945mm, f6.3, 200 exposures of 60’’.
#telescope #telescopes #celestron #celestrontelescope #celestronnexstar #nexstarevolution #nexstarevolution6 #zwo #zwoasi #zwoasi585mc #astro #astrophoto #astrophotos #astrophotography #astrophotographer #spacephotography #astronomy #spaceexploration #nasa #universe #space #deepsky #deepspace #nebula #rosette #rosettenebula #caldwell #caldwell49
Takie tam fotki sprzed paru chwil…
#photography #photos
Aparat Poco X3 Pro
Zachodzący Księżyc (3%) z Wenus, drugie zdjęcie z lewej gwiazdozbiór Oriona (widoczna Wielka Mgławica Oriona M42) z Marsem, gwiazdozbiorem Byka i Plejadami (M45)
The Running Man Nebula - SH2-279.
Celestron NexStar Evolution 6 + ZWO ASI585MC Pro.
945mm, f6.3, 250 exposures of 30’’.
#telescope #telescopes #celestron #celestrontelescope #celestronnexstar #nexstarevolution #nexstarevolution6 #zwo #zwoasi #zwoasi585mc #astro #astrophoto #astrophotos #astrophotography #astrophotographer #spacephotography #astronomy #spaceexploration #nasa #universe #space #deepsky #deepspace #nebula #runningman #runningmannebula #s279
Been outside, in the back yard, trying to setup my 'star tracker' (and mostly failing, hohum)
Still, managed to get some snaps of the Orion Nebula and the pleiades.
No thanks to the bright streetlamp outside the front of the house, and the smoke from the neighbour's chimney!