The Rosette nebula!! A year ago I couldn’t even imagine getting a shot like this, or not even in October when I first captured it! The Optolong L-eNhance has greatly helped achieve this, along with the auto guider which allows me to not worry about backlash and take even longer exposures that the filter allows.
Over 3 nights last week I got over 110 5-minute subs which got me close to 10 hours of data total! The data is also very clean and it allowed me to stretch a lot of faint details from the center of the nebula without bringing out too much noise.
116x300s lights (9.67 hours) at ISO 1600 with darks, flats, and biases stacked in Deep Sky Stacker, edited in Siril, GraXpert, and noise reduction applied in Adobe Lightroom mobile.

Rosette Nebula (NGC 2244)

Modified Celestron Astromaster 114 (Scope), SkyWatcher GTi (Mount)

Stock Canon Rebel T4i (Main), ZWO 120mm Mini (Guide), Optolong L-eNhance (Filter)

Bloomington, Minnesota (Bortle 8)
#highpointscientific #nebula #rosettenebula #rosette #ngc2244 #skywatcher #gti #meade #telescope #astrophotography #astronomy #siril #deepskystacker #adobelightroom #lightroom #adobelightroommobile #minnesota #mn #bloomingntonmn #jeffersonwi #wi #wisconsin #city #dss