Order your free at-home #Covid tests now while the website is still up. I just ordered mine.
Order your free at-home #Covid tests now while the website is still up. I just ordered mine.
These were $1.57 a box, shipping was $30 but they only took 10 days to get to me from the order date.
$1.57. There were less expensive combo tests, I chose these because they weren’t the LEAST expensive.
Sorry but America is stupid. We were charged $25 for a box of two Covid tests & our government acted like it was doing us a favor when it mailed us a couple of boxes of almost expired tests because people weren’t paying $25 for them.
Get them here before our government finds out and charges them tarriffs or something
Here's a picture I took today of my main doctor in full Contagion gear. He's seen every Covid patient on the mountain where I live for the past 4 years. He said he only got Covid once and it was from a cruise. The irony is that he's willing to wear this at the office but not on the ship.
Are you curious about how the Lucira molecular/PCR-like test kit works? Take a peek at this quick user demo to see the test in action.
Jacob also has more Covid-conscious content and mask reviews on IG and TikTok.
@blogwart Ich hänge mich da mal mit dran. Interessiert mich auch.
Oder kann man inzwischen alles am Markt kaufen?
Manchmal habe ich ohnehin den Eindruck, die Tests kämen alle aus einer Handvoll Fabriken und die ganzen Marken wären nur unterschiedliche Verpackungen der Vermarkter
Für Euch getestet: 6 Monate abgelaufene #Coronatests von #Siegmund arbeiten noch zuverlässiger, als der 3 Monate abgelaufene #Coronatest von #Longsee.
#Servicetoot #Servicepost #Corona #Covid #COVID19 #SarsCoV2 #Covidtest #Covidtests
Starting in September, the U.S. will provide free rapid COVID-19 tests to help control the spread of the virus. Visit http://COVIDtests.gov to order your tests and stay prepared. Regular testing is key to keeping our communities safe.
Good info on #covid #covidtest ... I keep both on PCR and RAT on hand, as it's good to know so you can start Paxlovid within the timeframe to use #PCR over #RAT, but once symptoms start isolate regardless and up precautions to reduce household spread risks, and I always #mask around other households. Good to be prepared with a new variant and talks of summer surge especially.
For my USA followers - an #MEAction article on the NIH "Home Test To Treat" program:
"Acute COVID-19 treatment and testing is unfortunately becoming harder and harder to access with the U.S. government public health emergency having been declared ended. The Home Test To Treat pilot program is a way to fill that gap in an accessible and equitable way."
Why Your #Negative #COVIDTest Might Be Less Reliable in 2024 #kqed
OR hear me out, people are not testing themselves correctly
Had 0 issues gettingresults with test that expired in 1/2023 at very early stages of illness
directions show to shove it up your nose when it should be more back & closer towards perpendicular + oral sample
variability of sample collecting differs depending on person so of course this happens
The ubiquitous lime green COVID tests may not be as accurate as first believed. There are allegations that the supplier may have excluded important test data when submitting to Health Canada.
Its poor efficacy on medium & low viral loads has led to experts warning people to only trust it if it provides a positive reading but don't trust it if it provides a negative reading.
Negative #COVIDTest as expected.
What an annoyance, but a cold has enough in common with mild COVID-19 that I have to do it, even when I'm pretty sure it's not #COVID19.
I’m no longer a virgin. I am in fucking disbelief right now. #covid #covidtest #CovidIsNotOver #GodHatesLinda #BrianHasItToo #IveBeenGoingToWalmartWithItFor4DaysAndDidntNotice #postivetestresult #mastodon #joinin #COVID19
Wow. This seems sort of amazing. How come I've never heard of this or seen it covered in the news? Thanks for sharing.
if you are a professor and you’ve just tested positive for covid, DON’T GO TEACH YOUR SEMINAR IN PERSON THE NEXT DAY
Maybe he/she ️ASSUMED that are only contagious 6 days after getting sick?
Researchers estimate that people who get infected with the coronavirus can spread it to others 2 to 3 days before symptoms start and are most contagious 1 to 2 days before they feel sick.
#covid #covidtest ️ December 30, 2022
The box of RATs I’ve got seem to make the test solution foamy rather than liquid drops when I squeeze it into the test. Does that mean they’re not good anymore? I am still seeing the control line come up.
@augieray That information seems VERY important. I have heard people say, "I feel sick, but the Covid test was negative, so I'm going to go (to a party, out shopping, to a movie, etc.) anyway."
Knowing that now those tests are not so reliable as simply whether you feel sick is an important message to get out.