My mother (photo right) was born soon after that 1918 pandemic. Her older sister Anna (photo left) had died from it while still a toddler, just shy of her third birthday.
My entire childhood, my Mom was always telling me to "go wash my hands."
I couldn't come in the door from school without washing my hands right away (and before getting my hugs welcoming me home).
I couldn't touch money without washing my hands right after.
I was taught how to NOT touch things: use my sleeves for public doorknobs, flush public toilets with my shoe/elbow (if I had to use them at all), and just generally be aware of germs in public spaces.
People probably thought she was #OCD and weird when I was growing up. And during my childhood years (1960s to 70s), she probably was.
But she was also correct.
"Did you wash your hands?"
Thanks, Mom.