Went over my Steam collection thinking about which games I want to play again. Tested three of them and realized that even though I liked them all, didn't feel like playing more. The spark wasn't there. Yet another area in my life where I don't seem to get kicks from whatever I liked before.
I started thinking and realized there are only a handful of games I've come back to in my 35 or so years of gaming. The only exception is GeneRally and its sequel which have remained a stable favorite but even there the biggest reason has been creating new tracks.
With music, I've managed to internalize that once I've really gotten into something, I will burn through it and won't come back. I need to understand this is likely true in every media.
Instead of looking back, I should concentrate in what is front of my eyes. Goes nicely together with my Zen Buddhist journey.
#ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #zen #ZenBuddhisn @actuallyautistic