Our magnum opus on everything related to #aging (at least from our point of view) with the title “Biomarkers of aging: from molecules and surrogates to physiology and function” is out now in in Physiological Reviews, publications of the American Physiological Society (currently still as a preprint - #openaccess, i.e. everybody can freely download and read the article)! Hopefully written in a manner that is accessible to all, including non-specialists. Great collaboration with Regula Furrer from the Biozentrum, University of Basel.
What can you find in this review? A couple of teasers:
1.) What is aging? An inevitable normal biological process? A disease that can be treated or even cured? In any case, aging is one of the strongest risk factors for many (mostly chronic diseases), e.g. #cancer, #neurodegeneration and #dementia or #cardiovascular pathologies.
2.) How can aging be studied? What do genetic diseases of "accelerated aging" (e.g. #progeria (super-) #centenarians or specific geographical regions of supposed longevity (e.g. in a so-called #bluezone tell us?
3.) How might human aging differ from that in animals? What could this mean for the study of model organisms in this field?