In #Deno `url.domainToASCII` behaves differently from #nodejs and #bun
In #Deno `url.domainToASCII` behaves differently from #nodejs and #bun
I'm the old _require_ dog, so it comes at no surprise that I'm not happy with
_import_ favorizes large libraries, with _require_ I got used to library atomization.
Eventually I'll find my ways for optimal structuring of my libraries, but for now...
#ecmascript modules, #typescript and #deno don't make me happy.
How to Get Deep Traces in Your Node.js Backend With OTel and Deno, by (@deno_land):
So from time to time, I like to create an e2e program on my GitHub, a most simple, this one is a ROT13 algo variant, with variable rotation, with documentation in Croatian
Oh, I used #deno and #typescript, because... I love that framework and runtime, I love the deno fmt, compile, tasks, and test CLI... I even pack docker commands under tasks.
Hopefully, some kids will require it. :-)
#Pipelight typescript issue fixed.
It was a nasty bug that slide in with #deno 2.2.
Fixed by replacing external #UUID library with bultins uuid library.
This type of heartful message is what keeps me sharing my best code with you.
I found a Deno issue that's making me angry as hell: I had a helper Deno script inside a Node.js project and, looks like in the last Deno version, it's looking for package.json files and it's looking for the Node.js package.json file and throwing a lot of errors. This package.json was never meant for Deno and I don't see any way to disable this behavior (apart from downgrading Deno).
Want your own custom AI thats trained on confidential material?
Here's how you can build a custom RAG AI agent
Is the world in need of a federated Craigslist/Kleinanzeigen platform? I am currently thinking about a project to dig into #fediverse development and learning #golang or stay with #deno and using #fedify.
EDIT: There is already something like that on the fediverse! It's called Flohmarkt. Thanks for the comments mentioning that!
Deno v2.2.4 is released:
- Built-in OpenTelemetry support for span context propagators (tracecontext, baggage)
- Built-in OTel tracing for node:http.request
- LSP now starts the TypeScript server lazily
other improvements in the release notes:
Deno vs Node.js: The future of JavaScript in the backend. #deno #nodejs #javascript #programming #softwaredevelopment
version 2.5.3 is out + adds support for <source> elements to picture plugin!
#Lume #SSG #WebDesign #WebDev #WebPerf #Deno @deno_land
Made my first #deno steps today with #typescript, without a doubt it's the beggining of a great new friendship. Lots of JS5 to Typescript porting ahead. The first thing I'll port is the sqlexecutor family, particularly the #postgresql executor lib
New blog post: Deno is Fine
I have migrated one #TypeScript application to #Deno and I think it is fine. Probably, it doesn’t make much sense to migrate existing applications, but give it a shot when making one from scratch.
More detailed impressions inside.
Here's how Deno's built-in OTel support can immediately add logs and traces to any Node.js backend
@deno_land Will the Go port of typescript influence Deno in any way? Positive or negative? #typescript #deno
Any deno kv experts out here?
For FLOSS ActivityPub Clients:
I am looking for best practices for a key which has a geohash as secondary index and might be searchable by Date as well, like an as `Event` with a `location`