I wrote about my minimal setup for blogging and note taking. Wat do you think?

I wrote about my minimal setup for blogging and note taking. Wat do you think?
Oh neat. Some folks might want this if they're looking to migrate from a #ContentManagementSystem (like WordPress) to a #StaticSiteGenerator (like #Eleventy).
Ich feier #hugo immer wieder, allein wie toll man mehrsprachigkeit einbauen kann: https://codeberg.org/RollenspielMonster/website/commit/29f62496e8e996a33d1126a576f2508a26cf531f
I'm also experimenting with using Pagefind to provide search for my static site using client-side Javascript. It currently analyzes 10934 files and indexes 8183 pages (87272 words) in 40 seconds. The data is 125MB, but a search for, say, "sketchnote" transfers only 280KB, so that's pretty good. I think I'm adding the date properly and I know I can set that as the default sort, but I haven't yet figured out how to make it possible for people to sort by either relevance or date as they want. I also want to eventually format the search results to include the date. Maybe Building a Pagefind UI – dee.underscore.world will be useful. #pagefind #ssg #search
Würde ja liebend gerne wieder #publii (→ https://getpublii.com/) verwenden, aber von github etwas Abstand nehmen. Hat das irgendwer schon auf #codeberg zum Laufen bekommen? Oder welche Static Site Generators nutzt ihr auf codeberg? #SSG #blogging
using https://git.sr.ht/~akkartik/gen_site i've posted some details on my experience of using this delightful site generator alongside some musings on #fosdem https://joeldn.codeberg.page/site/post/fosdem-2025-and-gen_site.html @akkartik #lua #ssg
personal blog republished with thanks to @akkartik and https://git.sr.ht/~akkartik/gen_site/tree - a "freewheeling" static site generator written in lua; and so accessible, immediate, and encouraging.
once you marked up up a post `gen_site` does three things well: filing of markup, indexing of content, updating of feed.
`gen_site` is tiny, doing just the right amount of organisation to keep a blog fresh and tidy #ssg #lua
version 2.5.3 is out + adds support for <source> elements to picture plugin!
#Lume #SSG #WebDesign #WebDev #WebPerf #Deno @deno_land
#TIL #zola can link your notes / pages like a #zettelkasten note taking app. You just have to enable backlinks in config.toml.
bottom_footnotes = true
Adding to my #SSG ramblings. This is roughly the layout I'm thinking of.
Whether /content/Home will be there, I don't know yet, that is how Grav does it.
Keeping the wwwroot and Views/-structure, as that is configured by-default in ASP.NET.
The Views are all runtime-compiled and then rendered based on files inside the content-folder.
Just before lunch, while I was mowing the lawn (a symbol of the start of spring), I was reflecting on my SSG.
I made two more changes:
First, I added caching. On Hugo, every time I modified content, the entire site was regenerated. No problem, but with my distributed CDN system, this meant that all the content was essentially outdated. Not a big deal on a small blog like mine, but it could be quite different on larger sites. The caching I've added now tracks the dependencies of added and/or modified articles and only regenerates what was added/modified and its dependencies. I’ve been generous with the dependencies, as it’s better to regenerate more than less. I’ve noticed that from generating 600 pages, now a single modification regenerates about 30, leaving the rest unchanged.
This is good for caching and performance optimization.
As a result, in the footer banner, I've added the generation date and time (missing the timezone, I’ll add that), so I can see and debug what gets regenerated and what doesn’t.
Aquí un listado enorme de generadores de sitios web estaticos.
Je fais un #website pour un collectif d'ami·es non tech. Selon vous quelle est la meilleure manière pour qu'iels s'en sortent sans moi pour mettre à jour & modifier le site?
Un #CMS à part entière comme #Grav ?
Un #SSG comme #Eleventy , sur #gitlab ou sur un de leurs ordis?
Avec un #headlesscms ? Ou du sur-mesure?
Vous avez suggestion, bonne pratique, outil?
Sachant qu'il n'y a pas d'envie manifestée d'apprendre le web et l'utilisation du terminal etc.
After a lot of experimentation, I think I found the best replacement for Medium for the vast majority of people. It is Publii with the Mono template.
Incredibly straitforward to use, and the Publii team offers a visual editor as a Desktop application which is unique in the SSG space.
One of the reasons I didn’t use Hugo for the new company website is that, once again, the latest update broke my blog. Version 0.143 removed some things (already deprecated), causing issues with the theme I use. It wasn’t anything a jail dataset rollback couldn’t fix, but is this really what I want?
I’m seriously considering switching to something else. manpageblog is also a contender; I just need to figure out if it has all the features I need.
Observations about the Zola static site generator after a month
Zola test: Can you group taxonomies in front matter?
In Zola, draft = true works in the front matter