Illustrator vs. Inkscape
Image tracing match
I had to vectorize an illustration I have made for a client, and first tried Illustrator, with really poor results (as you can see below), and this despite trying every possible combination of settings. I just never looked even halfway decent.
Then I tried #inkscape and to my surprise it produced an excellent result, even with the default settings!
Ok… I shouldn't be surprised actually
#comparison : an examination of two or more objects with the view of discovering the resemblances or differences
- French: comparaison
- German: der Vergleich
- Italian: comparazione
- Portuguese: comparação
- Spanish: comparación
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @
Most people in Denmark and the Netherlands have a doctor. Here's what Canada can learn
Denmark and the Netherlands are considered to some of the top countries for primary care. Doctors say Canada has a lot to learn from these nations.
#healthcare #policy #comparison #Denmark #Netherlands #Canada
photo 1 : Lumix G7, 16Mpx, capteur micro 4:3, Objectif 14-140mm
photo 2 : Olympus AF-10 mini, pellicules 135, Fuji 400ISO 36Exp., objectif 35mm
Même jour, même heure, même lieu. So Many New Electric Cars Available In Europe For 2025! Oslo eCarExpo Full Tour #acceleration #Braking #car #CARS #Comparison #CUV #eCarExpo #ELECTRIC #ElectricCars #ElectricVehicles #Europe #EV #exterior #Full #Handling #hypercar #interior #motor1 #oslo #pov #RedlineReviews #review #sedan #SportsCar #Supercar #SUV #Test #tfl #tour #vs LIVE: Niu XQi3 Electric Dirt Bike First Look + Comparison with Top 2025 E-Bikes! #bike #Comparison #Dirt #Ebikes #ELECTRIC #ElectricBikes #ElectricMotorcycles #ElectricVehicles #EV #Live #motorcycles #NIU #Top #xqi3 I Spent 10 Days In China Testing Electric Cars! Here’s What Happened #acceleration #Braking #car #CARS #china #Comparison #CUV #Days #ELECTRIC #ElectricCars #ElectricVehicles #EV #exterior #Handling #Happened #Heres #hypercar #interior #motor1 #pov #RedlineReviews #review #sedan #Spent #SportsCar #Supercar #SUV #Test #testing #tfl #vs
Then: Life imitating art imitating life
Now: Life imitating AI imitating life 2021 RAV4 vs 2021 Subaru Forester | SUV Comparison | Toyota #2021CrossoverSuv #2021Forester #2021Rav4 #2021SubaruForester #2021ToyotaRAV4 #CompactSuvComparison #Comparison #ElectricCars #ElectricVehicles #EV #Forester #NewRav4 #NewToyotaCrossover #NewToyotaRav4 #NewToyotaSuv #rav4 #Rav4Comparison #Rav4Hybrid #Rav4Prime #Rav4TrdOffRoad #Subaru #SubaruForester #SUV #SuvComparison #Toyota #ToyotaCompactSuv #ToyotaRAV4 #ToyotaSUVComparison #ToyotaUsa 2021 Corolla Hatchback vs 2021 Civic Hatchback: Competitive Hatchback Comparison | Toyota #2021Corolla #2021CorollaHatchback #2021CorollaHatchbackVsCivicHatchback #2021Hatchback #2021HatchbackCars #2021HatchbackCivic #2021ToyotaCorolla #civic #Comparison #competitive #corolla #CorollaHatchback #ElectricCars #ElectricVehicles #EV #hatchback #HatchbackCars #HatchbackComparison #Toyota #ToyotaUsa
The change a few years can bring. I'm hopeful I have much more to explore in the years ahead #me #self #myself #trans #transgender #mtf #transwoman #lesbian #sapphic #wlw #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia #therapist #therapy #counseling #mentalhealth #beforeafter #compare #comparison The Wuling Binguo Is An $8,000 Electric Car From China #acceleration #Binguo #Braking #car #china #Comparison #CUV #ELECTRIC #ElectricCars #ElectricVehicles #EV #exterior #Handling #hypercar #interior #motor1 #pov #RedlineReviews #review #sedan #SportsCar #Supercar #SUV #Test #tfl #vs #Wuling
Resumed Technical Comparison: Linux vs. BSD
Linux and BSD are two influential families of open-source operating systems with distinct philosophies, architectures, and use cases. Although they share UNIX roots, their development paths, licensing models, and system design set them apart.
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Looks like I will have fun with my new MacBook. I will "only" have 64 GB RAM instead of the 128 in the test, but I guess that doesn't make a huge difference for the Geekbench results.
Looking forward to finally have a fast MacBook again. The lowest M1 Pro definitely doesn't hold up for me anymore.
A little @codepen demo I made some years back: #duotone a B&W image using pure #CSS #blending (and very little code in total)
With a comparison slider between the two blend modes that may be used for the effect and a picker for duotone palette base.
Created for my Taming Blend Modes #CSSTricks article