An interesting new look at the (bench) performance of the M4 Max vs M3 Ultras Mac Studio.
An interesting new look at the (bench) performance of the M4 Max vs M3 Ultras Mac Studio.
Is there any difference between computing AI workloads in Vulkan, OpenCL and CUDA?
I know that some people say that NVIDIA doesn't support (quite well) OpenCL or Vulkan, performance is achieved by using CUDA. But what is the story for other vendors (Intel, AMD, QualComm, Apple) ?
Apple's latest M4 MacBook Air is just as repairable as the previous two iterations, as a teardown of the device shows no major changes from the M2 model.
#MacBookAir #M4
Hey #Apple #Mac users,
For you, would a #MacBook Air M4 be able to last 10 years?
And how much RAM/other spec would help to last 10 years?
I know that predict future is a tough task, but, for you, regarding the architecture and the evolution, what would be the probability?
My use case is hacking (network, web, hardware), dev (incl ML training and fine tuning; including hardware), admin sys.
2 miesiące temu kupiłem MacBooka Air… dlaczego? #MacBookAir #M4
Lilbits: A weird new AI phone, Apple refreshes the MacBook Air, Intel Arrow Lake goes business-class, and postmarketOS is looking for a new name
Would you be willing to grant a smartphone with access to huge amounts of personal date in order to develop a personalized AI assistant that an help you get things done? Arguably that’s something you may already be doing if you’re using an Android phone, but a startup called Newnal is taking things to a new level with a phone that not only generates an AI avatar that you can communicate […]
#ai #apple #arrowLake #lilbits #m4 #macbookAir #mobileLinux #mwc2025 #newnal #postmarketos #qualcomm #raspberryPi #raspberryPiPico #rp2040 #sc8480xp #snapdragonXEliteGen2 #vpro
Le MacBook Air M4 prend en charge deux moniteurs en plus de l'écran interne #MacBookAir #M4
M4 MacBook Air Now Official; Starts From RM4,499 #apple #computing #laptop #laptops #m4 #macbook #macbookair #malaysia #official #price
A Apple resolveu pregar uma peça e, em plena semana de #Carnaval, lançou atualizações para quatro produtos!
Falando especificamente de iPads, ela lançou o #iPadAir, agora com chip #M3, e o #iPad(A16), que chegou para substituir o de 10ª geração — mas ainda assim não conta com suporte à #AppleIntelligence.
Pulando para Macs, a empresa lançou o #MacBookAir com chip #M4 (com direito a uma nova cor chamada azul-céu) e um inesperado novo #MacStudio com chips #M4Max e…
The new Mac Studios are nuts -- especially the M3 Ultra top-end variant.
"Apple unveils new Mac Studio, the most powerful Mac ever, featuring M4 Max and new M3 Ultra"
"With the new M3 Ultra, Mac Studio features an up to 32-core CPU with 24 performance cores, 50 percent more than any previous Ultra chip and the most CPU cores ever in a Mac. It also offers an up to 80-core GPU, more than any Apple silicon chip; a powerful 32-core Neural Engine for on-device AI and machine learning (ML); and a high-bandwidth memory architecture that delivers over 800GB/s of unified memory bandwidth."
Gurman: M4 MacBook Air To Launch Tomorrow #apple #computing #laptops #launch #m4 #macbook #macbookair
M4 MacBook Air May Get Unveiling This Week; iPads To Follow #apple #computing #ipad #ipadair #laptop #laptops #m4 #macbook #macbookair #mobile #tablet #tablets
Nachdem #Apple letzte Woche mit dem Verkauf des generalüberholten #Macmini mit #M4-Chip begonnen hat, kann man jetzt auch den M4 #iMac im #RefurbishedStore kaufen. Die Geräte, die von Neuware nicht zu unterscheiden sind, werden bis zu 300 Euro günstiger angeboten. So gibt es den 24-Zoll iMac mit M4-Chip, 8-Core CPU und 8-Core GPU und 256 GB SSD in Blau für 1.269 Euro statt 1.499 Euro.
Alle Infos:
#Apple-Insider #MarkGurman hat in seinem Power-On-#Newsletter Einblicke in Apples Verkaufsvorbereitungen für das neue #MacBookAir mit #M4-Chip geteilt. Laut Gurman leiten Teams aus Apples Marketing-, Vertriebs- und Einzelhandelsabteilungen gerade alles für die Veröffentlichung der neuen 13- und 15-Zoll MacBook Airs in die Wege. Losgehen soll es im nächsten Monat.
Mehr zum Thema:
Apple Rumoured To Introduce M4 MacBook Air Models In March #apple #computing #laptops #m4 #m5 #macbook #macbookair #macbookpro #markgurman #rumoursleaks
M4 MacBook Air: Neue Modelle sollen spätestens im März erscheinen
Apple bereitet sich offenbar auf die Einführung der nächsten MacBook Air-Generation vor. Laut Mark Gurman (Bloomberg) wird Apple die neuen M4 MacBook Air-Modelle spätestens im März 2025 auf den Markt br
#Mac #News #Apple #AppleHardware #AppleSilicon #M4 #MacNews #MacBook #MacBookAir #MacBookAir2025 #macOS #MarkGurman
Arbeitet Apple an einem größeren iMac?
Seit der Einführung von Apple Silicon hat Apple das 21,5-Zoll- und 27-Zoll-iMac-Modell durch einen einzigen 24-Zoll-iMac ersetzt. Doch viele Nutzer:innen hoffen weiterhin auf ein größeres Modell – möglicherweise mit 30 oder 32 Zolloder sogar eine Neuauflage des iMac Pro.
#Mac #News #Apple #AppleHardware #AppleNews #AppleSilicon #iMac #IMacPro #M4 #Mac #macOS #MiniLED
@Aqsaqal celebrating his latest PragProg release -
Seven Obscure Languages in Seven Weeks
Let seven older, obscure languages open your eyes to new ways of thinking about programming, and change the way you code today.
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