#AUTOMATA X #HITOMEZASHI / work in progress / A #rug of mixed patterns, fed from each other
#AUTOMATA X #HITOMEZASHI / work in progress / A #rug of mixed patterns, fed from each other
Thank you @pixelfed! That's why our #retrocomputer #popart #vector #graphics and #IT #pioneer #portraits are NOT available on #Suckaborg's #instagram. Those #vintage #computer #svg #illustrations can be found on @pixelfed, only.
#AUTOMATA X #HITOMEZASHI / work in progress / building a grid of mixed connecting patterns. Step 1 : some random rule automatas, fed from tile above. Step 2 : hitomezashi pattern fed from above (x) and left (y) tiles.
#FIELDS / work in progress 5 / now it's time to figure out the best balance between 3 rules : path, line and arc. I'm looking for more density on parallel lines and less curls.
Hello fine #Fedifolk ^__^
This illustration is inspired by a #documentation on the benefits of returning #wolves to #Scotland, they could hold the deer (and sheep!?) population in check so natural forests could regrow! Just imagine the #highlands a huge forest!
Enjoyed this? Consider tipping me!
#FIELDS / work in progress 3 / affined collision algorithm and more resolution. I really need to balance plotting rules. This doesn't look like a field AT ALL
#FIELDS / work in progress 2 / It's not so easy to balance the 3 filling rules.
Quick Ocellus vector
High Res PNG, SVG & afdesign: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vector-ocellus-118360362
PNG: https://www.deviantart.com/frownfactory/art/Ocellus-1168789101
#FIELDS / work in progress / a modest tribute to @jeffpalmer Harmonium algorithm.
Still too many gaps and a great loss of efficiency trying to fill space with strokes.
I haven't posted much lately due to mental and physical health issues that make it hard to do much except close my eyes and rest...but thought I'd share something that I'm slowly trying to finish in Sketchbook Pro with digital pencil brushes. It's from a series that I started around this time last year I think. I'll try and post some progress images soon.
Illustrator vs. Inkscape
Image tracing match
I had to vectorize an illustration I have made for a client, and first tried Illustrator, with really poor results (as you can see below), and this despite trying every possible combination of settings. I just never looked even halfway decent.
Then I tried #inkscape and to my surprise it produced an excellent result, even with the default settings!
Ok… I shouldn't be surprised actually
Rust Vector and Quaternion Lib — https://github.com/David-OConnor/lin-alg
#HackerNews #Rust #Vector #and #Quaternion #Lib #Rust #Programming #Linear #Algebra #Game #Development #GitHub
Muchos me lo habéis pedido por privado, así que aquí os dejo el enlace al PDF, totalmente en vector.
Recordad, Luigi, que somos todos, pero el uso de este arte está condicionado a fines NO comerciales.
Os dejo dos versiones: el "DIVORA" y el "MANGIA".
¡Compartan y gracias!