Con esto de intentar retomar la #fotografía y la #edición voy a empezar a poner los ajustes que hago con #PhotoEditor para retocar mis fotos
#Levels 20-235 -> 0-255
#Saturation +20
#Contrast +20
Wlasnie obejrzalem "Jestem Tim" i... ten dokument tak mna pozamiatal, ze nawet nie wiem co o nim napisac i jak Was zachecic do obejrzenia.
Film omawia mnostwo szczegolow
dorastania, poczatkow kariery, olbrzymiego sukcesu, zalaman i prob "poszukiwania siebie" Tima "#Avicii.ego" Berglinga - chlopaka, ktory w podstawowce byl gnebionym przez kolegow nerdem, w polowie lat 2010 stal sie znana i uwielbiana na calym swiecie gwiazda muzyki klubowej. Goscia, ktory chcial po prostu tworzyc muzyke, a przez swoj wyjatkowy talent i geniusz wpadl w tryby machiny przemyslu muzycznego, ktora wycisnela z niego ostatnie soki... I kiedy juz wydawalo sie, ze udalo mu sie zawalczyc o siebie i swoja przyszlosc, 20 kwietnia 2018 roku wszystkich fanow zszokowala informacja, ze Avicii odebral sobie zycie w wieku 29 lat.
Film przede wszystkim zostal w niezwykly sposob zbudowany, bo chociaz glownego bohatera nie ma z nami od prawie 7 lat, w filmie zawarto mnostwo jego wypowiedzi, wiec wydaje sie, ze cofnelismy sie w czasie.
A poza tym, pokazuje jak potworna stala sie machina przemyslu muzycznego przez ostatnich kilkanascie lat. Avicii zaczynal kariere gdy wszystko bylo jeszcze "normalnie" - miales promotora, jesli stworzyles dobry utwor to gralo sie go wszedzie i byles znany. A potem nadeszly czasy lajkow, komentarzy i "attention span" 5 sekund - albo przykujesz uwage sluchacza w ciagu tych 5 sekund, albo nadajesz sie na smietnik.
Szwedzi do tej pory wspominaja Aviciiego - pomijam nazwanie areny koncertowej w Sztokholmie jego ksywa czy "Levels" wplecione w intro na #DreamHack.u.. ale o jego koncercie w Palacu Krolewskim przewodnik opowiadal z duma, pokazujac zdjecie. U nas zaden przewodnik by sie nie zajaknal, ze "jakis tam dj" gral w tym czy tamtym miejscu.
A ponizej cos niezwyklego... Szwedzka Gwardia Krolewska oddajaca Aviciiemu hold, grajac jego najwieksze przeboje
#Avicii #TimBergling #muzyka #JestemTim #ImTim #MuzykaKlubowa #dokument #FilmDokumentalny #Levels #Netflix @muzykaklubowa EV Education | Understanding the 3 Levels of EV Charging #charging #Education #ElectricCars #ElectricVehicles #electricity #Energy #EV #EvBattery #EvChargers #EVChargingPorts #FastCharge #ford #FordCanada #FordMotorCompanyOfCanada #LevelThreeChargers #levels #LowPowerCharger #Understanding
#JKRowling harasses yet another #Cisgender #African #soccer #player for not being #womanly enough.
The #woman recently won an #award for being the #female #soccer #playeroftheyear. But Rowling thinks her #testosterone #levels are too high for the #honor.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #UK #Scotland #Africa #Zambia #TERFS #Entertainment #Sports #Hate #Bigotry #Discrimination #Transphobia #TERFIsland #TERFFails
#Misogynistic #Crack About “#Generals Having Their #Way With” #KamalaHarris #Bombs.
#Misogyny is like so many things in life, there are different #strains and #levels of it. Fox News' #JesseWatters maxes out the bullshit meter.
On any normal network Watters would be #fired on the spot for this. But he’ll probably get a #promotion and a #raise seeing as how this is #FoxNews.
#HongKong #LGBTQ #activists #upset at revised #IDcard #gender #rules
They are "concerned about the heavy emphasis on undergoing #blood #tests and #submission of blood #reports on #hormone #levels".
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Asia #HongKong #Transitioning #Healthcare #GateKeeping
Celeste 64: the bee-sides is a level mod I made for Celeste 64.
22 new strawberries to find in some challenging new levels. Go give the original 3d platformer and my mod a try for free!
@EXOK @trenchbroom #n64 #indiegame #indiedev #platformer #splatformer #mod #levels #romhack #mapping #gamedev
Earlier this week, the local #duck #population showed up at their favorite places when the #water #levels are rising at the #Toess river near #Winterthur, #Switzerland.
Also, this is a post to test if the multi-image upload problem in @ivory is fixed.
#Olympic 800m #gold #medallist #CasterSemenya #wins #humanrights #court #appeal over #athletics #testosterone #rules.
The #SouthAfrican has a #medicalcondition known as #hyperandrogenism, which is characterised by higher than usual levels of #testosterone
Under the #challenged #rules she has to #artificially #reduce her #levels in order to be #eligible to #compete..
Screenshot Saturday Mondays: Eerie moods and good vibes - #Catch&Cook;:FishingAdventure #ScreenshotSaturdayMondays #BeyondThePlasticWall #ScreenshotSaturday #ActionAdventure #CalciumContract #Levels&Bosses; #Indiescovery #Metroidvania #Exploration #StoryRich #Lifelong #Strategy #V.AProxy #Shooter #Devcats #ArcSeed #Indie #Mac #PC
If you want a cool way to spend a few minutes or hours walking through 3D levels from classic #games #videogames check out #3d #levels #gamedev
This is a problem in videogame #levelDesign, too - players hugging doorways because they're the most defensible position.
Behind is clear.
Ahead is unknown enemy territory.
And they have full-height hard cover on either side of the doorway to protect themselves.
So many #videoGame #levels have super cool interactable combat features, or really useful powerups or pickups, in the space - and players only find them after the fight when they're looting the bodies. #Design
December 2022 paper in #Nature by Dahl at al concludes that the appearance of #deep-rooted #trees (therefore #forests) ~385 million years ago did not significantly lower atmospheric #CO2 #levels. In contrast, #shallow-rooted #vascular #plants ( #shrubs ) could have abruptly increased atmospheric #O2 levels and simultaneously cooled the #climate.
This #research may have implications for #ClimateChange #adaptation and #mitigation strategies.
Now I'm done and exhausted with creating my custom level 8 for my Prince of Persia hack. There are different ways to solve level 8, but I'll show you only one possible way.
The little mouse takes on an even more important role than in the original game. Like in the previous level, there should be several ways to solve Level 8. Which way will you choose?
@jmechner The little mouse is my favorite character of Prince of Persia!
Todd and Rahul’s Angel Fund closes new $24 million fund - After making investments in 57 startups together, Superhuman CEO Rahul Vohra and E... - #nationalbasketballassociation #andreessenhorowitz #firstroundcapital #venturecapital #angelinvestor #ticketmaster #toddgoldberg #scottbelsky #dapperlabs #investment #jackaltman #rahulvohra #shahedkhan #superhuman #angelfund #startups #eventjoy #linkedin #behance #finance #lattice #levels