#Gajim 2.0.2 has been released (#Jabber / #XMPP / #XMPPClient / #JabberClient / #Python / #nbxmpp / #pythonnbxmpp / #OMEMO / #SCRAM / #SCRAMSHA / #SCRAMSHA1 / #SCRAMSHA256 / #SCRAMSHA512) https://gajim.org/
#Gajim 2.0.2 has been released (#Jabber / #XMPP / #XMPPClient / #JabberClient / #Python / #nbxmpp / #pythonnbxmpp / #OMEMO / #SCRAM / #SCRAMSHA / #SCRAMSHA1 / #SCRAMSHA256 / #SCRAMSHA512) https://gajim.org/
Gajim 2.0.2 has been released
This release updates message moderation in group chats, improves handling of URIs, and fixes some bugs. Thank you for all your contributions!
Support Gajim: https://liberapay.com/Gajim
On my OS, #Debian, there are various Matrix clients. #EmentEl is probably the best, but because I use #Jabber more than Matrix, I have a #slidge matridge bridge from #XMPP and use #Gajim as my one-stop client.
Element (with or w/o X) is not in Debian and after almost eight years, I doubt to see it anytime soon.
Gajim 2.0.1 has been released
This release resolves an issue with Gajim’s preferences window and fixes some bugs. Thank you for all your contributions!
Support Gajim: https://liberapay.com/Gajim
Gajim 2.0.0
Félicitation à l'équipe de #gajim pour cette version majeur!
Arrancamos marzo con nueva versión de #Gajim
Gajim 2.0.0 - Gajim
@kkarhan @delta @monocles @gajim I have to say I'm enjoying using #Deltachat as my email client, just because it feels similar to the apps I already *also* use (like #Signal, WhatsApp, #Gajim, #Conversations). There's less mental "friction" owing to that familiarity of user interface. It sucks that virtually no one else I (regrettably) still email (they still just love, love, love those free-enough-seeming, "encryption-challenged" gmail addresses) can find an email provider supporting autocrypt... but that lowering of mental friction from Deltachat _alone_ is feeling "worth it".
While I highly appreciate #Thunderbird for its calendar and addressbook (precious CalDAV/CardDAV support), the UI is so "busy" in comparison.
@delta Yeah, I think #deltaChat is pretty cool and like #XMPP+#OMEMO ( @monocles / #monoclesChat & @gajim / #gajim ) a very good option.
La version 2.0.0 de Gajim vient de sortir
Gajim 2.0.0 ha sido liberado
Gajim migra su toolkit de interfaz de usuario a GTK 4, que aporta mejoras de rendimiento y establece el terreno para que las grandes características sigan.
Además, este lanzamiento trae mejores previsiones de imagen, mejores herramientas para combatir el spam, y mucho más.
Todos estos cambios sólo fueron posibles tocando mucho de la base de código de Gajim, y apreciamos todos los comentarios recibidos de la comunidad.
#gajim #xmpp #chat #softwarelibre
Vía: @gajim
#Gajim 2.0.0 has been released (#Jabber / #XMPP / #XMPPClient / #JabberClient / #Python / #nbxmpp / #pythonnbxmpp / #OMEMO / #SCRAM / #SCRAMSHA / #SCRAMSHA1 / #SCRAMSHA256 / #SCRAMSHA512) https://gajim.org/
Gajim 2.0.0 has been released
Gajim migrated its user interface toolkit to GTK 4, which brings performance improvements and sets the ground for great features to follow.
Additionally, this release brings improved image previews, better tools for fighting spam, and much more.
All of these changes were only possible by touching a lot of Gajim’s code base, and we appreciate all the feedback we got from you.
Support us: https://liberapay.com/Gajim
My grandmother recently got locked out of #WhatsApp because her phone broke, and the spare one we had on hand is one WhatsApp has decided is too old to run on
Fortunately, #XMPP has no such qualms! She's currently keeping up with the family group chat on #Quicksy while others of us use #Conversations, #DinoIM, and #Gajim. (Of course, extended family and friends are another matter )
This serves as a reminder that closed apps may close you out—but open protocols have your back forever!
@FerdiMagellan @jwildeboer @soatok I use #XMPP+#OMEMO, more specifically, @monocles / #monclesChat & @gajim / #gajim!
@kinetix @delta @anthropy I am aware of #DeltaChat.
@pixelschubsi @erebion @inaruck so oder so sind alle aktuellen #XMPP-Clients, besonders @monocles / #monoclesChat & @gajim / #gajim warnen ganz eindeutig gegen unverschlüsselte kommunikation!
Zumal auch das nen Kostenfaktor ist, wohingegen es drölfzig Optionen gibt was XMPP angeht!
@pixelschubsi @dalias @puppygirlhornypost2 that doesn't change the inherent issues of @signalapp being #centralized, #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider compared to #XMPP+#OMEMO as in @monocles / #monoclesChat & @gajim / #gajim.
Or des anyone expect #Signal and it's staff to actually resist?
Battle of Instant Messengers: my view on Signal VS Matrix VS XMPP/Jabber VS others.