@leyrer +9001%
#TechIlliterates im #Management sind ne absolute Plage und gehören echt verboten!
Ich hab' kein Bock mehr auf #BuzzwordBingo!
@leyrer +9001%
#TechIlliterates im #Management sind ne absolute Plage und gehören echt verboten!
Ich hab' kein Bock mehr auf #BuzzwordBingo!
@fristi it is only shit when we allow #TechIlliterates to make decisions...
@GossiTheDog @ajsadauskas OFC, we groomed generations of #TechIlliterates (#Users and #Admins) to use that garbage and everyone who didn't lick the boots got yeeted.
@kinetix @delta @anthropy I am aware of #DeltaChat.
@mike no, this is intentional, just like any other #DarkPattern use designed to nudge #TechIlliterates into #Office365 and ither #subscriptions!
@pixelschubsi @erebion @inaruck so oder so sind alle aktuellen #XMPP-Clients, besonders @monocles / #monoclesChat & @gajim / #gajim warnen ganz eindeutig gegen unverschlüsselte kommunikation!
Zumal auch das nen Kostenfaktor ist, wohingegen es drölfzig Optionen gibt was XMPP angeht!
@erebion @inaruck doch, hab' ich.
Threat Models die ich betreut habe:
Ich werde nicht entsprechende personen d0xxen nur um #TechIlliterates zu überzeugen und ne Diskussion zu gewinnen!
Verbindung getrennt
Also the blatant dismissal of absolitely basic #OpSec & #ComSec is just flabberghasting.
Only #decentralized, #OpenSource & #OpenStandards can actuall survive long-term and remain #secure.
It's the same reasons we use #PGPG/MIME & #SSH and not #X400 & #X25!
IOW: Think "How can you weaponize Signal?" and see what you csn do just holding key people in contempt...
The less #info a provider has, the less they can be forced to snitch upon customers.
"#JustUseSgnal!" is a form of dangerous "#TechPopulism" aimed at bamboozling #TechIlliterates who don't know better, abusing information asymetry to pull rank instead of investing the time and effort to *explain "how" and "why" this is indeed a good or bad idea.
The only ones that have a chance to beat that are @delta / #deltaChat but that's just #PGP/MIME #eMail in a nice UI...
@lauren I disagree as @signalapp requires a #PhoneNumber = #PII & cost barrier and they restrict access based off #PhoneNumbers.
Whereas it's so easy and fast to get #TechIlliterates setup with #XMPP+#OMEMO (which uninke #Signal doesn't demand PII!) that I'd challenge you to a #speedrun with step-by-step documentation for every #TechIlliterate to follow along to setup Signal from scratch vs. me doing #XMPP+#OMEMO on @monocles @gajim.
Also #Signal being #centralized makes it as vulnerable as any other #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider solution!
I'd not count on the #Trump-Regime not flexing #CloudAct against anyone they deem undesireable!
@kubikpixel @malwaretech @tomscott nodds in agreement
If people don't trust a #Govware like #Windows to get that done correctly, then they should not trust 3rd party vendors that have neither sourcecode access nor ability to get someone with sourcecode access to validate and test their work!
Mind you this isn't the basic *"on mailservers/upload servers/... run signature checks for known malware and chmod -x
on all attachmebts.
@silvan @nakal @kuketzblog jain.
#XMPP+#OMEMO & #PGP/MIME sind allein wegen #SelfCustody und #Offenheit inkl. #SelfHosting-Möglichkeit zu bevorzugen!
@tauon Also what goid is an encryption like @signalapp is you don't have #SelfCustody of all the keys?
I can setup over a dozen #TechIlliterates 1:1 with #XMPP accounts and #monoclesChat & @gajim / #gajim in the time it takes me to get a #nonKYC #eSIM from overseas with a phone number as mandated by @signalapp and maintaining that number for #Signal will easily cost like $2,50 p.m. at minimum.
In fact even legitimately acquiring and registering a #Prepaid #SIM in-store in #Germany takes longer than setting up #Fdroid & monocles chat & a XMPP account whilst on throttled #EDGEland speeds...
@topher #Antivirus is for the most part #Scareware aimed at scamming #TechIlliterates which at best only works against kniwn threats and at worst is literal #Malware in and of itself selling user data to bad actors.
As for the rest one can just scan #Fileservers regularly and do so on #Mailservers, but existing tools to enforce quick and early updates on those distros already do most of the heavy lifting re: #ITsec...
@wmd @miqokin @torproject @guardianproject @micahflee also it's not as if I'm #shitposting, cuz I mean this serious.
And I'm not talking just about helping some kiddies spread the news, but criticsl comms that literally saved lives.
@wmd @miqokin #VPN|s are - for the most part and with the exception of circumventing #Geoblocking - a #Scam catering towards #TechIlliterates.
@verge lmao!
As if anyone but #rich #TechIlliterates were to go there...
"[...] easy to use solutions that are at the same time private and secure. [...]"
It is easier, faster, cheaper and overall simpler to get someone setup with #XMPP + #OMEMO espechally if they don't have a #PhoneNumber and/or #ID to acquire a #SIM.
And if you go and say, "Just buy a [insert country here] [e]SIM!" and expect #TechIlliterates without a #CreditCard, #PayPal or other means of #OnlinePayment to fiddle around with some #eSIM if not having to get some #eSIMcard because they can only afford to maintain one SIM and can't spend triple-digits on a new devices then you completely missed the point!
It's not that I expect anyone to get #TechLiterate within minutes, but similar to setting up a cordless DECT phone it's something one has to do once in 5 years and just have them put the password in a safe spot to retain...
Point is that #Signal #WontFix their setup and that was evidently clear even before @Mer__edith succeeded #MoxieMarlinspike: Their entire operation has a distinct #CryptoAG stench as it's an #unsustainable #VCmoneyBurning party!
A counterexample on how this could've been done are #Tor, #eMail and other truly #OpenSource as in #MultiVendor & #MultiProvider standards.
NOTHING compells Signal to demand PII, run a #Shitcoin #Scam aka. #MobileCoin that even seasoned #TechLiterates and #CryptoBros can't setup properly, and in fact Signal using phone numbers makes it trivial to discriminate against users and easier for them to identify them!
If my reasoning didn't resonate with you, then try helping i.e. undocumented migrants aka. "#SansPapier|s" to get setup with it without violating laws and/or ToS and/or needing an imported SIM which I'm shure most folks don't have on hand!
Whereas it's trivial to get people setup on one of many XMPP servers I've personally tested!
AFAIK Signal doesn't even have an #OnionService / .onion
for their Website, much less any #API enpoints to use it with!
You're free to also provide evidence and supporting data to your arguments, rather then neighsaying against proven to be more secure and reliable [by virtue of decentralization] options like XMPP+OMEMO and/or #PGP/MIME.
The proper fix is to actually assess the situation and acknowledge the risks and limitations as well as the very nature of communications, which means upgrading later is exponentially more painful, thus getting people properly setup once is way easier.
Speaking of #monocles: That business is at least #sustainable because it's funded by users (€2 p.m.) which they can pay anonymously
@rysiek @agturcz that's not how you fix #TechIlliteracy, espechally since things changed for the better.
@monocles / #monoclesChat & @gajim / #gajim are quite easy, whereas @signalapp / #Signal demands #PII in the form of a #Phone number which is more often than not not legally obtainable without "#KYC" aka. "forced #SelfDoxxing" all whilst being an extremely #centralized, #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider solution that falls under #CloudAct ant thus cannot adhere to #GDPR & #BDSG!
"JuSt UsE sIgNaL !"
won't fix #TechIlliteracy but rather provide false sense of security to #TechIlliterates when the correct solution is to teach proper #TechLiteracy like @cryptoparty@chaos.social / @cryptoparty@mastodon.earth / #CryptoParty does...Otherwise we'd only perpetuate the #Enshittification-#Lifecycle as has happened with #AIM, #ICQ, #BBM and so many more...
If #Signal and @Mer__edith actually cared, they would've setup their system truly decentralized as an #OnionService over @torproject / #Tor!
@anelki the only ones that believe in "#SecureEmail" after #DNMX, #SkyECC, #EncroChat, #ANØM aka. #OperationIronside aka. #OperationTrøjanShield are #TechIlliterates!
Use #OfflinePGP-Method or @tails_live / @tails / #Tails or don't even bother!!!