Allez hop, c'est parti pour une tentative de dump du bus écran de la smartwatch, en live sur Twitch. L'occasion de tester le RP2040 et son PIO . Viendez sur, ça commence dans quelques minutes !

Allez hop, c'est parti pour une tentative de dump du bus écran de la smartwatch, en live sur Twitch. L'occasion de tester le RP2040 et son PIO . Viendez sur, ça commence dans quelques minutes !
3D modeling a support for a "tank" version of the Chowndolo, it will hold in place the PCB I designed as well as a @belaplatform #musictech #audioproject #synthdesign #musicgear #musicalinstruments #DIYmusic #electronicmusic #sounddesign #modularsynth #synthesizer #eurorack #musicproduction #opensourcehardware #3Dmodeling #3Dprinting #CADdesign #FreeCAD #opensource #hardwarehacking #embeddedaudio #creativecoding #generativemusic #physicalcomputing #digitalfabrication #BelaPlatform #experimentaltech #techart
Whenever I feel like I'm in a rut, doing something I'm supposed to be good at (or even an "expert" in, whatever that means), I lookup up the tutorials meant for absolute beginners or novices of that thing
E.G. At this point, I've made thousands of PCBs at home, but this one by Wesley Treat was both cathartic and helped me figure out something
Le planning des streams de la semaine est là ! C'est une semaine très #hardwarehacking durant laquelle on va continuer les bidouilles sur la smartwatch (micro-soudure et peut-être extraction de firmware) et je l'espère commencer à coder sur le prototype de mod de console chinoise. Je ne vous cache pas qu'il y a un risque qu'on bascule sur la smartwatch jeudi si ça n'avance pas comme prévu .
À noter qu'il n'y aura pas de stream les semaines du 17 et 24 mars .
À mardi soir !
Undocumented "backdoor" found in Bluetooth chip used by a billion devices
Suite des tests sur la smartwatch, on continue à jouer avec le format des watch faces, pour l'amusement et le profit
Ça commence dans quelques minutes sur !
Le planning des streams de la semaine est là !
Au menu: la suite des expérimentations avec la smartwatch et une soirée discussion avec @laluka . Ouais, ça va être bien.
Remember those posts on how Mitre declined assigning a CVE for an IoT exploit I identified and disclosed here a bunch of months ago?
It turns out Mitre did change their minds after I had explained how it could be exploited and thus it did get published through the CVE process after all. Just now.
After scouring the internet, we realised that information on Rockchip MCUs is either scarce or hidden behind NDAs. So in our latest blog, David Lodge looks at the Rockchip boot process. He covers the boot order and how to force the MCU into low-level modes for direct USB access.
He also dives into essential tools like xrock and rkflashtool that let you read and write the MCU’s RAM and flash memory.
Read here:
Everything is connected, and there’s no going back
by @laurengoode
I have been playing dice #chess with my kids lately. We were just rolling an ordinary dice to choose what piece could be moved on each turn, but I thought that building an electronic “dice” could be a fun #circuitpython project.
Wait, the first generation Apple TV can actually boot Windows XP now??
Hmmmm... I think the last part of the spell I need to do some *extremely* cursed things to the Apple TV has been revealed!
Let's try a certain cursed Linux distro on it, shall we??
Hey #Portland! #HardwareHappyHour is tonight, Feb 18th, at the Bye and Bye on Alberta. Hosted by @helenleigh, it's an informal way to socialize, show off your projects, and talk about the world of hardware. From beginner to expert, all are welcome! #PDX #PortlandPDX #openhardware #diy #electronics #HardwareHacking #hardwarehappyhour
Mit Gus, einem Luftqualitätsmonitor, zeigen sich Probleme intuitiv über Gesichtsausdrücke auf einem kleinen Bildschirm. Basierend auf Xiao ESP32-C3 und SeeedStudio-Sensoren, bietet Gus einfache visuelle Hinweise auf schlechte Luftqualität.
Ich mag das Projekt ♡ #hardwarehacking
Secure Application Programming in the presence of Side Channel Attacks
Marc Witteman
Side-channel toolkit in Julia
Information-Theoretic Approach to Optimal Differential Fault Analysis
Kazuo Sakiyama; Yang Li; Mitsugu Iwamoto; Kazuo Ohta
Oops..! I Glitched It Again! How to Multi-Glitch the Glitching-Protections on ARM TrustZone-M
Xhani Marvin Saß ,Richard Mitev, Ahmad-Reza Sadegh
IoT Goes Nuclear: Creating a ZigBee Chain Reaction
Eyal Ronen, Colin O’Flynn, Adi Shamir and Achi-Or Weingarten