Vampirella Archives Vol. 1 Available February 11
#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Vampirella – @DynamiteComics – #Various – By: Various In September 1969, Vampirella #1 debuted with a stunning cover by the legendary Frank Frazetta ― an quickly made publishing history! The writers and artists that contributed during the magazine’s original run included Jose Gonzalez, Archie Go…
#horror #ad #Releases #Various #Comics #Vampirella
Mes écoutes de la semaine du 18 November 2024 :
#BardoPond, #Diabologum, #Ganger, #PhilipGlass, #GogolBordello, #CatherineChristerHennix, #HumanError, #Hyperculte, #PhilippeKaterine, #LaTène, #Malaria, #TheMarriedMonk, #mHz, #Moonshake, #OiseauxTempête, #OrchestreToutPuissantMarcelDuchamp, #Perio, #PorticoQuartet, #Razen, #TonyRolando, #EmilianoRomanelli, #Stereolab, #TanzMeinHerz, #Ui, #Various, #KeithFullertonWhitman, #EliWinter, #Wysteria, #FloraYinWong #SébastienRoux,
Zenescope 2024 Pinup Special Available January 1
#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Zenescope2024PinupSpecial – #Various – By: Various Just in time to celebrate Zenescope’s 20 th Year Anniversary! Some of the industry’s top artists contribute gorgeous pin-ups in this stunning collection. Don’t miss all of these amazing images of the Grimm Universe’s most popular…
#Zenescope2024PinupSpecial #Comics #Various #Releases #ad #horror
Returnal : Fallen Asteria Available December 10
#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Returnal – @DarkHorseComics – #Various – By: Various After the spaceship Helios crashes onto a hostile alien world, Selene Vassos, a lone ASTRA scout, must fight for her life against the horrific hostiles that live beyond every shadow. Following a trail of distorted memories, Selene just needs to h…
#horror #ad #Releases #Various #Comics #Returnal
El Buga – Campo de Deportes Mixtape
Mes écoutes de la semaine du 28 October 2024 :
#AnnaButterss, #FéliciaAtkinson, #HarryBertoia, #BoardsOfCanada, #DavidBowie, #ThFaithHealers, #FareWellPoetry, #Foudre, #GoodSadHappyBad, #PJHarvey, #PierreHenry, #Kraftwerk, #LaFresto, #LakeMary #DanielWyche, #MelosKalpa, #MolchatDoma, #Mono, #OrchestreToutPuissantMarcelDuchamp, #BernardParmegiani #FrançoisBayle, #TheCure, #Various, #VoxLow, #Wovoka, #YoLaTengo,
Mes écoutes de la semaine du 14 October 2024 :
#BrechtAmeel, #Arovane, #AvantJoik, #Avrocar, #TheBartlebees, #MathieuBoogaerts, #TheBreeders, #CrysCole, #SarahDavachi, #DeadCanDance, #IbelisseGuardiaFerragutti #FrankRosaly, #FeuThérèse, #Fugu, #GodspeedYouBlackEmperor, #Kim, #MarieKlock, #Kraftwerk, #LaFresto, #LäutenDerSeele, #Mils, #OiseauxTempête, #OrgueAgnès, #Ours, #PasChicChic, #PostMoves, #Razen, #LeRévélateur, #Savel, #TheeSilverMtZionMemorialOrchestra, #StarsOfTheLid, #Stereolab, #SufjanStevens, #DanielTeruggi, #TheCatsMiaow, #TristwchYFenywod, #Various, #EliWinter,
only regret, took me about 15 years to know about #xmpp.
only 2, to get know about #matrix.
If i would had to choose now, I would take #xmpp, forever... far of being the best :
-#encrypted comm with #omemo protocol
-#various clients, #software or #applications, on several #platforms/#OS (#mobile, #computer)*
-can handle #voice/#video communicaton (#jingle protocol)
-#uncentralized and #federated
-far more #lightweight than #matrix.
it's a bit the cousin of sip for telephony over ip... but matrix just get the big part of cake with millions ;)
I saw in serveral months several disadvantages of matrix, going to become the "#nerds's #whatsapp" as #discord is, somewhat..
on my own, for people I know well : either XMPP, or SIP. If not, emails, phone and SMS..
*I strongly recommend #dino-im for computers (and #postmarketos - it manages #jingle), #monal/#quicksy for #iOS, #conversations/#quicksy for #android (#fdroid)