Gimmicks such as 15,000 possible characters per post (exclusive to our instance), HTML oder / and MarkDown formatting have also been reactivated.
As always: Please report problems via DM or mail.
Gimmicks such as 15,000 possible characters per post (exclusive to our instance), HTML oder / and MarkDown formatting have also been reactivated.
As always: Please report problems via DM or mail.
Are you still trapped in the medieval era of grooming? Upgrade your routine from barbaric to barbershop chic with Verdant Gent's handcrafted masterpieces! Because why smell like "yesterday" when you can ooze luxury instead?
Meet your future at and
Zurück aus dem Maschinenraum. Es war nur ein Neutronenkratzer im Sub-Etha-Sensor. Aber auch der ist auspoliert und weiter geht unsere Reise durch das #Fediverse mit dem Raumschiff #WueSocial mit Warp 4.3.6
#Mastodon #Upgrade
Debate over proposed changes to Kalamoir Park in West Kelowna, B.C.
The proposed upgrades include parking lot improvements, wider trails, and a 2.4-metre-wide multi-use pathway.
#park #upgrade #construction #improvement #KalamoirPark #WestKelowna
Debate over proposed changes to Kalamoir Park in West Kelowna, B.C.
The proposed upgrades include parking lot improvements, wider trails, and a 2.4-metre-wide multi-use pathway.
#park #upgrade #construction #improvement #KalamoirPark #WestKelowna
Debate over proposed changes to Kalamoir Park in West Kelowna, B.C.
The proposed upgrades include parking lot improvements, wider trails, and a 2.4-metre-wide multi-use pathway.
#park #upgrade #construction #improvement #KalamoirPark #WestKelowna
Google sieht Chance: Windows-10-Nutzer für #ChromeOS gewinnen. Firmen sollen Microsoft 365 im Browser nutzen, statt auf Windows 11 zu wechseln. #Windows10 #EOL #Windows11 #Upgrade,149519.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Zurück aus dem Maschinenraum. Die Quantendusche wurde paramechanisch aufgebohrt, nun geht die Reise im Raumschiff #WueSocial mit Warp 4.3.5 weiter durch das #Fediverse.
#Mastodon #Upgrade
Mobilfunkkunden halten länger an ihren Geräten fest: Upgrade-Zyklus bei Smartphones verlängert sich deutlich. Verizon sieht Trend zur Langlebigkeit. #Smartphone #Upgrade #Zyklus #Mobilfunk #Verizon #Lebensdauer,149393.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Listening to #Upgrade 553 I can’t help but think of augmenting Arthur Dent Throwing the Nutrimatic Cup with your selections.
What's that smell? Oh, look, a MongoDB 3.0 in production! It grew up to 300GB. Not bad, not bad.
The migration deadline is in two weeks or so. Let's organize a migration to 7.0
Luckily, the downtime is not very important on that database.
I tried:
- on new version, dump remotely and restore locally: version too old, 3.6 or more required
- on old version, dump locally and restore remotely: no valid server found
- on new version, connect remotely via ssh to run the dump command, pipe to the local restore command: it works!
I still need to fix the following problems:
- password is prompted even if I read or use a variable
- pipes can be used only for a single collection, but the collection variable isn't updated so the first collection is dumped over and over
At the end of the day, I know it's possible. But folks, my mental health has been altered
Big thanks to the #Mastodon maintainers for such an easy #upgrade to 4.3.4.
Heute hat #Apple sein neues #iPadAir vorgestellt. Das #Tablet erhält mit dem #M3-Chip ein deutliches #Upgrade in Sachen Leistung. Außerdem gibt es ein neues #MagicKeyboard als Zubehör.,149306.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Ah, the grand odyssey of #postmarketOS continues to stagger forward —now with slightly less incomprehensible #audio on ancient MSM89x7 chips and a small army of #Xiaomi devices pretending to care
. Meanwhile, our heroes bravely face the Sisyphean task of explaining anything tech-related to mere mortals
. #ancientTech #upgrade #techExplainers #openSource #HackerNews #ngated
Upgraded my Mastodon instances to v4.3.4 from v4.3.2 finally.
With containers it's relatively painless.
That said, I really would like the Mastodon admin interface have settings for post lengths and number of poll items.
It's a bit of a pain to vet and correct whether ./app/javascript/mastodon/features/compose/containers/compose_form_container.js, ./app/validators/status_length_validator.rb, and ./app/validators/poll* need to be changed/updated/migrated for every new minor release. Not a big deal, truly, but it is something to fat finger and something else to track in your environment.
Mastodon is fabulous and complex but a little addition like this would go a long way to ease admin burdens.
cc: @Gargron
Insider berichten, dass die konversationsfähige Version von #Siri, die auf fortschrittlicheren Sprachmodellen basiert, wohl erst mit #iOS 20 erscheinen wird. Ursprünglich plante #Apple laut #Bloomberg, das große Siri-#Upgrade auf der #WWDC in diesem Juni vorzustellen und mit iOS 19.4 im März 2026 zu veröffentlichen. Dieser Zeitplan scheint jedoch nicht mehr realistisch, weshalb das Upgrade voraussichtlich erst mit iOS 20 kommen wird.
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Daan Tech qui vend un kit qui permettant d'upgrader les produits Bob déjà vendus (mini lave-vaisselle) sans tout changer, en remplaçant juste quelques composants. Une démarche très geek et à l'inverse de la politique d'obsolescence programmée des autres marques... Franchement. Chapeau. Les mentalités sont en train de changer. Bientôt des kits à imprimer soi-même avec une imprimante 3D ? #DaanTech #Bob #ObsolescendeProgrammée #Upgrade
Now @thomascountz is giving a talk "From #Legacy to Latest: How #Zendesk Upgraded a #Monolith to #Rails 8.0 Overnight" at #rubycommunityconference.
Also, it's not very obvious in the photo but the slides have an amazing console #ASCII style.
Mal kurz im Maschinenraum die Traktorstrahldüse mit Hypergluonengel gereinigt. Und schon geht unsere Fahrt durch das #Fediverse auf dem Raumschiff #WueSocial mit Warp 4.3.4 weiter.