sex with many men in bathwoooooooo
woawWW A1 1!!
sex with many men in bathwoooooooo
woawWW A1 1!!
I've been posting on Baraag for a full year now, and this image serves as a milestone in more way than one. First commission, first time drawing Sue (the official Calamity33 mascot)... Getting paid to draw little girls from my favorite game of all time is surreal
comm for @snewewie
Roan from Grandia 2 chopping some wood in the hot summer for the circus but then decides to do it nude because of the heat
Request by @Tails2
Max getting annoyed over jerking off after being taught by Niel because he isn’t feeling anything but once he finally cums and gets a little shock
Request by @Maxymax203
Man guess my fav
Grandia is so much fun to play on the Miyoo Mini Plus #emulation #VGCMay2024 #Grandia #ps1
I have been replaying Grandia on the Miyoo Mini plus for the #VideoGameClub and have been really enjoying it. I feel it looks better on the smaller screen and I like that I can overclock it as well. #VGCMay2024 #Grandia #Emulation
Nr. 6: #Grandia II (HD) Es ist vollbracht! Endlich diesen JRPG Klassiker nachgeholt, als ich vor einer Weile Bock auf ein buntes Animespiel bekommen hatte. Hat mir soweit gefallen, nur trotz geilem 80ies Lick nervten mich die Kämpfe mit ihren langwierigen Angriffs- und Magie Animationen. Am Ende nochmal gegen zig Ausgeburten Valmars kämpfen zu müssen nervte auch hart.
The #Grandia series is still sitting in my backlog.
Released in 2000 exclusively in Japan, this comprehensive "World Guidance" art book covers everything you'd want to know about #GrandiaII
We are coming to the end of this months first game of the month! I will leave this pinned post up for a week so that people can put their viewpoints, what they thought about the game and also recommendations for future games to try of any genre! #VideoGameClub #VGCJan2024 #Grandia
You and Me and Valmar Makes Three
The Grandia II playthrough continues!
Started playing #Grandia and joining #VGCJan2024 #VideoGameClub - hi everyone!
I'll go with the PSone version on PS5 - mostly because it's on PS Plus and the most convenient for me and it has some modern QoL. The downside are warping textures and distorted faces. I also tested the Saturn English translation and the pixel art is just gorgeous!
1) PS5 normal
2) PS5 + scanlines, mask
3) Saturn - emulated
Which version is everyone playing and how does the HD compare? #retrogaming
I've been progressing just a little bit in #Grandia (I've just completed my duel with Gantz) and I'm absolutely loving how much charm this game has. It might just be the retro throwback, but the graphics, the light and playful music, the goofiness of the dialogues... There is so much to love in these first handful of minutes in the game!
It's January!! Which means the #VideoGameClub is kicking off with #Grandia!
I'm curious... How are you going to play the game? I'm going to try and make it work emulated on my tablet. And if that doesn't work, the game is available on PS Plus so I'll use my PS5
3/ We will start on Jan the 1st.
We can play through the game and make posts around it during the month. I will tag anything I post as spoiler for people that have not played it or looking to play it at a later date.
Happy gaming :D #VideoGameClub #Grandia
The perks of PAL gaming come to MiSTer at last — a new update to the Saturn core arrived today! Read about it in my story:
Que c'est doux.
Leen's Love Theme, par Aqare #Grandia
Les trouvailles du lundi 07 août 2023 (2) :
#Microsoft #Xbox360 #50CentBloodOnTheSand #SwordfishStudios #THQ #XboxOne #RedDeadRedemption #RockstarSanDiego #RockstarGames #OutlastTrinity #RedBarrels #WarnerBrosGames #SonicForces #SonicForcesEditionBonus #SonicTeam #Sega #TalesOfVesperia #NamcoTalesStudio #BandaiNamcoEntertainment #Trine4TheNightmarePrince #Frozenbyte #ModusGames #Saturn #Grandia #GameArts #EntertainmentSoftwarePublishing #NintendoDS #ProfesseurLaytonEtLAppelDuSpectre #Level5