Jeopardy! for Sega CD and PC CD-ROM
Source: Electronic Entertainment 15 (March 1995)
Scan Source: RetroMags
Jeopardy! for Sega CD and PC CD-ROM
Source: Electronic Entertainment 15 (March 1995)
Scan Source: RetroMags
#Console #Sega #MegaDrive #Genesis #retrogaming #videogames #cartridge #80s #90s #Geek
Pic by Jardine Sage
The unstoppable xfixium has already released the next few parts of his great #video #tutorial on how to program a #SEGA #MasterSystem #videogame using the C language
The tutorial recreates the Ms. Pac-Man arcade classic from scratch - parts 11 to 13 are now available!
Here's the whole series:
I couldn’t find a good case holder for my small collection of Sega CD games, so I made this using two other designs I found #3dprinting #sega #segacd
Mega CD = Mega Mittwoch. Fulminante FMV Filmchen, fantastische CD Audio Tracks und sensationelles Sprite Scaling. Heute ist der Donnerstag mal bisschen früher - wir tauchen nach den wahren Mega CD Perlen #stream #twitch #retro #sega #megacd #segacd #retrotink4k
Calling the #SEGA #Genesis / #MegaDrive experts: how is the VCount register expected to behave on a PAL system?
According to it should count from 00 to F2, then go back to BA and count up to FF, then wrap to 00 - at least in Master System mode.
That's not what we're (always) getting
Any help? (Boosts appreciated)
The first weekly challenge for Hang On GP on Long Albatross Cliff Reef is well underway, and there are a couple days left to get your times in!
So what are you waiting for? Hop into the SHIRO! Discord and get racing:
And if you don't have a real Saturn, we have a new emulation category! That includes any Saturn emulator or the MiSTer Saturn core. Just one person, Random, has entered — give him some competition!
Now live on self-hosted Owncast
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (60Hz Mega Drive)
Casual playthrough to prepare for All Chaos Emeralds run
Bo Bayles found another undocumented cheat in a Sega Saturn game! This time, it's a password to unlock the cheat menu in The Incredible Hulk: The Pantheon Saga — read about it in his latest Under the Microscope:
Mr. Magoo was due a game debut back in 1994 thanks to Millenium - a cartoon puzzler platformer with music by the late Richard Joseph. Due for release for #SEGA #MegaDrive, #Amiga1200 and #CD32 - the game disappeared completely. Can it be found?
We promised a while ago to mention the SMS Power Coding Competition. Deadline is until 27th, so there is still time!
NBA Jam: Now on Sega CD and Game Boy!
Source: Electronic Entertainment 12 (December 1994)
Scan Source: RetroMags
Oggi è arrivata la plancia doppia del SEGA Lindbergh Universal. Montata all'istante e il risultato finale è perfetto. Finalmente, dopo mesi di lavoro, il progetto di restauro del cabinato è completo e la mia soddisfazione è over 9000. È ora di organizzare infiniti doppi con Blazblue, altri picchiaduro esoterici e con gli Shmup Cave!!! Il secondo sgabello lo aggiungerò all'occorrenza. #retrogaming #sega
Review for Panzer Dragoon Saga on Sega Saturn from CVG 197 - April 1998 (UK)
Despite loving tons of RPGs, if you ask me even today, which is my favourite RPG of all time, you will always get the same answer:
Panzer Dragoon Saga and Lunar The Silver Star Story.
This issue can be downloaded here:
It’s been a long time since the last issue! But nice to see the new one finally. Hope they do more kickstarters for these. #Sega
It's time for more Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed!
#Envtuber #Vtuber
#LGBTuber #Furry #LGTBQIA+ #SonicTheHedgehog #Sonic #Sega #Live #Twitch #Sonic&AllStarsRacingTransformed #RacingGame
Galaxy Force for Sega Master System
Source: VideoGames and Computer Entertainment 11 (December 1989)
Scan Source: RetroMags
SEGA’s marketing was so eXtreme in the 90s
Here’s one for the SEGA CD
PS. I guess this means we’re all officially old now.