Is there a feature of vim that numbers paragraphs?
#vim #gvim #foss #numbering #paragraphs #paragraph #writing #reading
Is there a feature of vim that numbers paragraphs?
#vim #gvim #foss #numbering #paragraphs #paragraph #writing #reading
#Development #Guides
The HTML ‘br’ element · The line break that can easily break things
#LineBreak #Paragraph #Text #Content #WYSIWYG #Editor #HTML #WebDev #Frontend #CSS
#Development #Explorations
Paragraphs · “Don’t just assume the use of a div is a bad thing.”
#Accessibility #ScreenReader #ARIA #Paragraph #Div #WebDev #Frontend #HTML
When you write paragraphs, do you indent new paragraphs with no spacing between them, or do you put a blank line between paragraphs?
#paragraph : originally, a marginal mark or note, set in the margin to call attention to something in the text, e. g., a change of subject
- French: paragraphe
- German: der Paragraph
- Italian: paragrafo
- Portuguese: parágrafo
- Spanish: párrafo
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§202a muss einfach mal weg!
Wenn PHPMyAdmin bereits ein "Hackertool" ist und von einem "tiefen Verständnis" der Materie zeugt, dann will ich nicht wissen, was mit mir passiert, wenn jemand 4TB an Buchstabensalat und eine "Hashcat" bei mir finden.
Ohne fucking Worte!
Not sure if sb proposed this already: wouldn't adding #paragraph numbers to #research #papers make #academic #discussion easier? Instead of: "the idea in paper XYZ on page 294, left column, 3rd §, last sentence" you could say "the idea in paper XYZ in §3, last sentence". Moreover, I see potential benefits for #automatic #document #processing and even the writing process itself: authors would maybe stick more closely to the 1-paragraph-1-idea concept. #academicwriting Are there any such approaches to improve structure in the academic #discourse?
#paragraph : originally, a marginal mark or note, set in the margin to call attention to something in the text, e. g., a change of subject
- French: paragraphe
- German: der Paragraph
- Italian: paragrafo
- Portuguese: parágrafo
- Spanish: párrafo
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not #sure if you #realize this but when you #post a #paragraph #littered with #pointless #hashtags it gives #me and my #friends a #throbbing #headache if we #choose to #read it
have any #digitalhumanists redone Edwin Lewis's findings in his 1894 dissertation on the history of the #english #paragraph?
#paragraph : originally, a marginal mark or note, set in the margin to call attention to something in the text, e. g., a change of subject
- French: paragraphe
- German: der Paragraph
- Italian: paragrafo
- Portuguese: parágrafo
- Spanish: párrafo
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@t36s @emp the screenshot on SoundCloud looks neat. Was unclear when I read the toot what is #paragraph
#dronecember 10 was made in #SuperCollider using my #paragraph #livecoding system, working with pure sines only.
I’m using #metatext on iOS for mastodon. I really like it and after trying #tootle and Mastodon For iPhone, Metatext is my favourite so far.
Metatext #tip: Looking for how you can start a new #paragraph when posting? The #hashkey is on the alphabetical #keyboard; the #return key is on the numeric keyboard.
As a #leftie it took me a while to realise this as that part of the keyboard is obscured by my right hand.
vor ein paar Tagen
#krieg #ukraine #russland #kriegsverbrechen#menschenrechte #völkerrecht #gesetze #kriegsrecht #jura #bibliothek #bücherei #panzer #militär #angriff #amnesty #recht #paragraf #paragraph #fachliteratur #fachbücher #gewalt #politik #gesellschaft #karikatur #cartoon
#paragraph : originally, a marginal mark or note, set in the margin to call attention to something in the text, e. g., a change of subject
- French: paragraphe
- German: der Paragraph
- Italian: paragrafo
- Portuguese: parágrafo
- Spanish: párrafo
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#paragraph : originally, a marginal mark or note, set in the margin to call attention to something in the text, e. g., a change of subject
- French: paragraphe
- German: der Paragraph
- Italian: paragrafo
- Portuguese: parágrafo
- Spanish: párrafo
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#paragraph : originally, a marginal mark or note, set in the margin to call attention to something in the text, e. g., a change of subject
- French: paragraphe
- German: der Paragraph
- Italian: paragrafo
- Portuguese: parágrafo
- Spanish: párrafo
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#paragraph : originally, a marginal mark or note, set in the margin to call attention to something in the text, e. g., a change of subject
- French: paragraphe
- German: der Paragraph
- Italian: paragrafo
- Portuguese: parágrafo
- Spanish: párrafo
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