All The Attacks on the RP2350 - Raspberry Pi’s new microcontroller, the RP2350, has a small section of memory that... - #microcontrollers #chipglitching #raspberrypi #security
All The Attacks on the RP2350 - Raspberry Pi’s new microcontroller, the RP2350, has a small section of memory that... - #microcontrollers #chipglitching #raspberrypi #security
Homebrew Retro Console Runs On PIC32 - [Chad Burrow] decided to take on a noble task—building a “retro” style computer an... - #microcontrollers #microcontroller #emulator #console #gameboy #games #pic32
Tactility; The ESP32 Gets Another OS - Doing the rounds this week is a new operating system for ESP32 microcontrollers, i... - #microcontrollers #operatingsystem #softwarehacks #tactility #esp32
RISC-V Microcontroller Lights Up Synth with LED Level Meter - The LM3914 LED bar graph driver was an amazing chip back in the day. Along with th... - #microcontrollers #ch32v003 #vumeter #lm3914 #lm3915 #risc-v #audio #level #synth
A Low Effort, Low Energy Doorbell - Bluetooth is a good way to connect devices that are near each other. However, it c... - #microcontrollers #wirelesshacks #bluetooth #doorbell #ble
More Things to Do with Your Cheap Yellow Display - The Cheap Yellow Display (CYD) is an ESP32 development board that’s been making th... - #cheapyellowdisplay #microcontrollers #gpsreceiver #mp3player #esp32 #cyd
Button Debouncing With Smart Interrupts - Debouncing button or switch inputs on microcontrollers can be a challenging proble... - #microcontrollers #interrupts #debounce #buttons #inputs #timer #isr
Landing Soon: This Beautiful Weather Display - All wiring is beautiful, except when it isn’t. But is there anything more lovely t... - #microcontrollers #circuitsculpture #particlephoton2 #particlephoton #tftdisplay #mischacks #lander
Pico Pal Puts RP2350 Into Game Boy Color Shell - While modern gaming systems deliver ever more realistic experiences, there’s still... - #microcontrollers #handheldshacks #nintendohacks #gameboycolor #retrofit #rp2350 #gbc
One other benefit of the new cabinet that I just realized, is that I now have the ability to mount one of my awesome @m5stack #Core2 #microcontrollers to better monitor internal cab temperatures! #iot #programming
LED Wall Clock Gets Raspberry Pi Pico Upgrade - When [Rodrigo Feliciano] realized that the reason his seven-segment LED wall clock... - #microcontrollers #sevensegmentled #clockhacks #pipicow #kicad #ntp
vPlayer Puts Smart Display in Palm of Your Hand - It’s not something we always think about, but the reality is that many of the affo... - #microcontrollers #videoplayer #smartwatch #miniature #esp32
38C3: Xobs on Hardware Debuggers - If you just want to use a debugger for your microcontroller project, you buy some ... - #microcontrollers #microcontroller #debugger #hardware #protocol
Next in #38C3Glitch: Beyond #BLE: Cracking Open the Black-Box of RF #Microcontrollers
38C3: Towards an Open WiFi MAC Stack on ESP32 - At the 38th Chaos Communications Congress, [Frostie314159] and [Jasper Devreker] g... - #microcontrollers #wirelesshacks #opensource #wireless #esp32 #rust #wifi #mac
Arduino Plug and Make Kit Review: The Kit to start your journey - When getting started with electronics, we need a good kit t... - #microcontrollers #makerandstem
Holiday Jukebox Gets ESP32, Home Assistant Support - If we’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that the only thing hardware hacker... - #microcontrollers #homeautomation #home-assistant #holidayhacks #homehacks #retrofit #esp32
HI-TECH C for the PIC24 series of microcontrollers (and maybe others, I don’t know) had a particularly interesting integer type:
“short long int”
These are 24-bit-long integers, useful for the PIC24’s somewhat odd memory mapping.
An LCD, Touch Sensor, USB-C, And A Microcontroller for a Buck - [CNLohr] has been tinkering with some fun parts of late. He’d found out that ordin... - #microcontrollers #ch32v003 #cnlohr #usbc #lcd
Rudolph’s Sleigh on a North Pole PCB - Each Christmas, [Adam Anderson], [Daniel Quach], and [Johan Wheeler] (meanwhile go... - #microcontrollers #friedrichgauss #christmascard #holidayhacks #lorentzforce #christmas #pcbhacks #toyhacks #ch32v003 #slotcar #sleigh #gauss #led #pcb