Come explore a large random selection of forever open source #TTRPG resources, from games to SRDs to art and more!

Come explore a large random selection of forever open source #TTRPG resources, from games to SRDs to art and more!
Playtests to explore! Sign up to see either or both receive a campaign + full release.
Hits The Fan: heists where everything goes gloriously wrong.
On Being Human: abandoned robots emulating long-gone humanity.
"I cried when i finished this game actually. it'll be living rent free in my head 24/7, 365." One of the highest complements I've received for Neofeud. Makes 3 years of blood, sweat, & tears as a solo-dev worth it! #indiedev #indiegames #SteamDeck
When you're feeling low or dispirited, what's a piece of entertainment that picks you up again?
For me, it's either the irrepressible cheese of the Flash Gordon movie or the irrepressible cheese of a Shantae game.
#FridayFinds: Indie TTRPG Gems!
Hey #TTRPGCommunity, what’s an indie #TTRPG you’ve discovered recently that deserves more love? Share the title, creator, and what makes it special!
Let’s spread the word and inspire each other!
I've been quiet lately as I've been working on a free game. It's called Mathio Whirled and mixes mental arithmetic with a traditional platformer. It was fun writing it, but time to get back drawing.
If you want to play it, you can find it at
Inform 7 is a magical system to code interactive fiction games in. But it's also brilliant how you can quickly test things even just to improve writing. I've just coded another test command "test X" to jump to the latest code. I can't say what X is - spoilers. But I'm very happy typing that command! #interactiveFiction #game #GameDev #IndieGames #coding #inform7
Playtests to explore! Sign up to see either or both receive a campaign + full release.
Hits The Fan: heists where everything goes gloriously wrong.
On Being Human: abandoned robots emulating long-gone humanity.
Pleased to manage some more interactive fiction game coding, now developing chapter 6 of 7 in my next parser text adventure game. Not developing in sequential order! Currently flitting to and fro between coding in Inform 7 and researching a topic. While also trying to visualise the scene in my brain! #interactiveFiction #game #GameDev #IndieGames #coding #inform7
Played a bit of the deck builder game 'Slay the Castle' that @lonespelunker made, and it's a blast! I perished, but I lasted for quite a while. Great game, easy to start, to play, and to generally figure out. My kind of thing. Played it in browser on my Samsung S21.
Wouldn't it be nice if #godot had one single Container node with properties like margin (top, bottom, left, right), orientation (vertical, horizontal), center (boolean), etc., instead of having so many container nodes?
Check out 44 new AAA and #IndieGames on sale today for #NintendoSwitch: #TheMessenger, #ApeOut, #TheSwordsofDittoMormosCurse, #LoopHero, #EntertheGungeon, #CatQuestIII, #BoomerangX, #GibbousACthulhuAdventure, #Semblance, and more!
Come explore a large random selection of forever open source #TTRPG resources, from games to SRDs to art and more!
Get ready to defend a walking castle in the roguelike action game Castlebound
Whether you're looking for AAA or #IndieGames to play you'll want to check out the Top _300_ on sale in the #NintendoSwitch eShop this weekend!
#NintendoSwitch Review Video: #DestinoIndomable - Who knew that bringing the telenovela format to a digital narrative could work out to be pretty entertaining? #IndieGames
#NintendoSwitch Review Video: #OWLProjekt2 - A sequel to the less elaborate Monument Valley is again well-made, but not terribly inspired either #IndieGames
#NintendoSwitch Review Video: #MorkullRagastsRage - Though it tries earnestly to compensate with wall-breaking humor, Rage is a bit of a dull mess #IndieGames
#NintendoSwitch Video: #TreasureHunterSimulator - For better or worse you'll be spending a lot of time with a metal detector and walking around #IndieGames