Thinking figure in half-lotus position, wooden statue, Chugu-ji, #Japan. A #Buddha statue in the style of the Southern Dynasty.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Thinking figure in half-lotus position, wooden statue, Chugu-ji, #Japan. A #Buddha statue in the style of the Southern Dynasty.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
An assortment of prismatic works made by my local #artist friends Kib, Apisit, Baow, & Muai; msg me if you see one you like that you'd like to inquire about
I had a really profound experience. I've been reading Thich Nhat Hanh's commentary on the Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing. Last night as I settled onto my meditation cushion I thought: "What the heck, I'll try it. Buddha, you do the breathing, I'll just watch." As I sat I was able to hold my awareness like never before and I was suffused with this sense of warm comfort. It was the first real breakthrough I've had in years. Thanks Thay. #buddhism #religion #meditation
Dainichi Nyorai Statue, Enjo-ji, #Japan. The earliest work of the #Buddhist sculptor Unkei. Unkei's style is characterized by strong, masculine facial expressions, but because the main image was created when he was 20 years old, his facial expressions are not fully original. This work gives us a glimpse of the conflict between following the traditional style of the #Heian period or pursuing an original path.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
Nice large #paintings with a lot of warm #red tones in them; all of these're available, they were made by my local #artist pals; msg me if interested, it's very easy for me to send you one of these gorgeous works
There is the Theory of Samsara, and the Theory of Nirvana, and these comprise the meaning of the four Noble truths. The Theory of Samara explains the source of suffering and the Theory of Nirvana the source of ultimate well being. - Lama Karma Choga
Hearing the garden of life in Natalia Lafourcade's songs caused me to think of "The Simile of the Citadel" sutta.
Testimony from an Ogyen Kunzang Choling (OKC) Survivor #TibetanBuddhism #Buddhism #cults #metoo
Seated statue of Yakushi Nyorai, the principal image enshrined in the main hall of Sorin-ji in Higashiyama, #Kyoto, #Japan. It is a work of the #Heian period, which is said to be made by Denkyo Daishi, and is designated as an important cultural property.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
I'm nearing 500 followers, which is really cool. Thanks for following me, whether it's because of my Linux stuff, Debian, Buddhism, psychedelics, anarchism, syndicalism, or because you support me being gender-fluid and bisexual.
Thanks again! I genuinely appreciate all of you, except for fascist scum, who get blocked immediately.
Buddhist Ethics: A Very Short Introduction by Damien Keown, 2005
Damien Keown illustrates how Buddhism might approach a range of fascinating moral issues ranging from abortion and suicide to cloning.
Abuse and #Buddhism: Behind the Smiling Façade
To help the survivors go to court, you can donate at
Rebuttal of Soteria International's Claims on the OKC Case #Soteria #Religion #Buddhism #TibetanBuddhism #StuartWright #SusanPalmer #NRM
A boy walks past statues of Buddhist monks at the Trapeang Thma pagoda, Banteay Meanchey, #Cambodia
Photograph: Tang Chhin Sothy/AFP/Getty Images
#Bodhisattva #Manjushri. A Gilt-Copper Repoussé Figure Of Manjushri. 18th Century Qing Dynasty, China. 30 cm, 11 3/4 in.
#BuddhistArt #Buddhism
The Hindu nationalist government in India is happy to use Buddhists and Buddhist pilgrimage as a diplomatic tool internationally, but they will not allow Buddhists to control their own holiest site.
There is a long history behind this - for anyone who is interested, I would suggest reading Verardi's _The Gods and the Heretics_. Raj and Indian textbooks blame the destruction of Buddhist monasteries in South Asia on Muslims, but the archaeological evidence suggests it was Shaiva and Vaishnava orders.
May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness.
May all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.
May all beings rejoice in the well-being of others.
May all beings live in peace, free from greed and hatred.
#Dharma #Dhamma #Buddhism #Brahmaviharas #FourImmeasurables #Metta #RecoveryDharma #Interbeing #BuddhaGang #EngagedBuddhism #RecoveryDharma #BelovedCommunity
@engagedbuddhism @buddhagang @recoverydharma @belovedcommunity