i´m not feeling any motivation or inspiration lately to start doing workouts online.
as i have zero income and can´t work with a computer anymore due to bad eyes pain, i wanted to make the workouts my job but for the moment it´s complicated to start doing it in person.
my idea was to do it online for donation or a small fee.
but.. except that too few people know me as a trainer, also..
- when i call it "yoga" - people think it´s something easy and relaxing. and it´s f**ng not, not at my watch.
- when i call it "calisthenics" - for girls it sounds boring, for guys it sounds also boring as no one expect something strong enough from a girl.
- when i say "stretching" - everyone thinks it´s something relaxing and besides, who doesn´t know how to stretch, what can be easier? i can say - almost no one, but it´s such a topic that no one takes seriously. and i feel horrified looking how people try to injure themselves during stretching - i see it a lot.
- do you know that proper stretching makes muscles grow? do you know that strength training can be also a stretching at the same time?
- do you know how old i am to do the stuff that i can do? most of people of my age are fallen apart already.
i´ve trained a lot with other people and other instructors.
and when the training is phisically hard - what i see is - when the trainer is a girl - mostly or only girls train in her group. when the trainer is a guy - mostly or only guys.
in my case - girls generally want something a lot easier than what i suggest and don´t come when they see it´s not so relaxing and guys don´t even start trying thinking it´s gonna be too light.
but few offline workouts which i´ve hold - the ones who expected "easy yoga" from me died first and could not keep it longer than 15 minutes
i would not like to scare anyone though as there are always options
#strengthtraining #calisthenics #fitness #yoga #challenge #fitnesschallenge #yogachallenge #calisthenicschallenge #freeweights #gym #homegym #workout #health #healthcare #wellbeing #training #core #exercise #muscles #vegan #lifestyle @threemorereps
I saw a physical therapist to start running again. He gave me a program to follow, and as I was "running" today, I was listening to Miike Snow's self titled album. What a blast from the past! The song "Sylvia" instantly transported me back in time: running through Central Park at night, stopping at Belvedere Castle, going up to the tower and looking out, listening to this song.
"When the lights go out, will there be a trace that I loved Sylvia?"
#music #memories #running #exercise #miikesnow
Good night! #3GoodThings
1. It was a gorgeous day and the windows were open for hours!
2. Got some Braille reading in. Didn’t finish a chapter but I did read and also washed the dishtowels, dishcloths and turquoise napkins.
3. Managed 15,007 steps today without even trying. That was just doing around the house.
Sleep well and may your dreams be out of this world. #GoodNight #Braille #exercise
“UK fighter jets conduct joint exercise with US, Israeli aircraft – likely target Iran”
by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox
@UKLabour @palestine
@guardian @Independent @thetimes
“US pro-Israel lobby group praises UK-launched bombing exercise believed to be preparation for attack on Iran”
“#Running isn’t just about burning fat. When you’re properly fueled, it’s going to feel better mentally and physically”
#nutrition #exercise
Is Fasted Cardio Really a Good Idea? Here’s What the Experts Say
What to know before you run on empty https://www.runnersworld.com/nutrition-weight-loss/a63872682/fasted-cardio-benefits/
Well, this is encouraging.
I guess I ain't such a lazy bone, eh? I went over 400 minutes and we're not halfway through March yet.
My long ride to/from the Divine Mercy Statue in Bulacan contributed a biiiiiiig chunk.
I should ride to Bulacan again!!
That last one didn't go as I'd planned. But I kinda know better now so the next one will be better, right?
As long as I remember to avoid that very wet street market with all the dead meat and fish.
#exercise #health
Since Jan 4 I've hiked 74.5 miles specifically in the woods/fen/moraine near the house in the AM. I've hiked in 40 deg F temps and -13 deg F temps. With so little snow this year, it's mostly been frozen ground but those bits of snow we did have made the hikes amazing. Now that it's warming up, the trails are mostly mud so I'm going to avoid the woods for a bit and probably just walk the bike paths.
#hiking #exercise #illinois #photography #blackandwhite
Mission accomplished.
Except for the pre-breakfast exercise ride.
I'll make up for the missed pre-breakfast #exercise by going for a walk... at the mall. Ain't no rain gonna make me chicken out of that.
Then I'll reward myself with...
Ooh, don't I have the brightest ideas!
That was an impressive 500 pound lift.
Greeting people slightly wrong: When you notice a person you know, you most likely will greet them. This is easy. But only because you are an expert in greeting people.
Exercise: Find ways to greet people in a *slightly* odd way (Finding *very* odd ways is easy, but you do not learn how much details matter!)
Possibilities: Exchanging glances and waiting "too long", catch a glance, *immediately* say hello. Looking away. Make your voice go up as if you will continue talking...
Good night! #3GoodThings
1. My Wildcats won tonight against LSU! Kentucky 95, LSU 64!
2. Finished a book in Braille!
3. Didn’t get to exercise again tonight due to sugar levels but hubs is looking at elliptical machines to give us a bit of variety in our exercises!
Sleep well and may your dreams take you to the stars! #GoodNight #Braille #Exercise
As I am still a non smoker I’ve decided to use some of the money saved on myself. It’s so easy to let the “extra” money get eaten up by bills etc because let’s be honest when you are on a tight budget there are always essentials to spend our money on, especially with rising prices.
When I smoked I used rolling tobacco and smoked very little so my “extra” isn’t loads but it’s still more. I’ve thought a lot about what I can do for myself and I’ve chosen something fairly simple. I need to drink way more water than I do and as I’m not far off 46 I need to start looking after my body more before menopause hits. I’m aware that when menopause does hit my hair, skin, nails and joints will be affected so I’m going to try a daily dose of collagen to see if I notice a difference. I also barely eat fruit as I’m not too keen on it so I’m also going to add some frozen berries to my water, that I will eat once I’m done with my water.
I am noticing that the big boost in exercise whilst great for my mental health, those natural hormone boosts that come with exercise are super helpful for someone like me with awful mental health but no medications have worked for me so I’m reliant on exercise and also I’m now looking at diet and supplements to also possibly help, my body is struggling to keep up and recover.
I’m hoping by starting to make little changes to my diet and other things that my recovery will start to improve and my body will start to keep up. If nothing else I’m getting much needed water into my body. I will update when I notice a difference. #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthrecovery #ptsd #ptsdrecovery #exercise #activelifestyle #healthcare #stopsmoking #stopsmokingstartliving #fruit #water #collagen #takecareofyourmentalhealt #littlechanges #littlechangesbigresults #takecareofyourself #takecareofyourtemple #takecareofyourmachine
Funny story time.
I woke up this morning with muscle aches all up and down my legs.
“Is this the flu?” I wondered, but then I remembered that challenging kickboxing workout earlier this weekend.
So, no, not sick. Just a bit sore from working out.
Recently purchased Science of Stretch: Reach Your Flexible Potential, Stay Active, Maximize Mobility
So far I am very impressed; lots of great information and some great exercises; one of which is helping to repair an injury already.
#Books #Reading #Fitness #Exercise