#Oxford #CitizensAssembly votes for “a car-free city centre”
https://oxfordclarion.uk/citizens-assembly-votes-for-a-car-free-city-centre/ #transport

#Oxford #CitizensAssembly votes for “a car-free city centre”
https://oxfordclarion.uk/citizens-assembly-votes-for-a-car-free-city-centre/ #transport
Good news, everyone*! If you want to burn those old-fashioned Go Cards**, you can from Monday, as Brisbane buses finally accept bank card contactless payments for everyone!***
It’s like it’s 2012 (when London did it), or 2019 (when Sydney did it), or some random time in the future (hello Melbourne)
* in Brisbane, which I appreciate is not everyone
** by which I mean “apply for a refund”, and don’t burn them, they’re probably toxic
*** except if you have a concessionary card, keep using that if you do
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-03-18/smart-ticketing-brisbane-city-council-buses-translink-go-card/105064524 #travel #transport #publictransport #buses
A new direct bus service now connects Castle Cary Station, improving #transport links in rural Somerset. A bus turning area has been created in the station car park, allowing buses on route 1, which links Castle Cary and Shepton Mallet, to stop at the station. Representatives from Great Western #Railway (GWR), #Somerset Council, and South West Coaches met on 17 March 2025 to launch the service. GWR's Nick Reid highlighted the importance of local transport for sustainability and local economies. Councillor Richard Wilkins noted the service will improve connectivity and encourage car-free travel. South West Coaches’ Peter Fairey added that the upgrade enhances the passenger experience and supports the local transport network.
South Yorkshire’s Mayor, Oliver Coppard, has announced a historic decision to bring buses back under public control, marking the biggest change to the bus network since the 1980s. This follows a major consultation where 87% of respondents supported bus franchising. Under this system, the South #Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) will control bus routes, timetables, fares, and service standards, with publicly controlled #buses starting in 2027. Mayor Coppard described the move as reversing the failed privatisation of buses and pledged to create a fully integrated #transport system across South Yorkshire, improving access to jobs and services. The Mayor also plans to announce a new public transport brand for buses, trams, and other services.
You can now get Chery Omoda E5 electric SUV for RM119,800 #cars #chery #cheryev #cheryevmalaysia #cherymalaysia #cheryomoda #cheryomoda5ev #cheryomodae5 #cheryomodae5malaysia #deals #electricvehicles #electricvehiclesmalaysia #ev #featured #news #transport
Not sure if turning the #A14 into the #M14 would be a miracle cure (a Northern bypass for #Ipswich does make more sense, but won't happen overnight) - either would only provide fairly short term gains, they would soon fill up with traffic!
A wider problem is bad #driving during the time pressures of the rush hour - more businesses should adopt flexible working to alleviate this (the lorry drivers are already working 24/7)
Écologique, économique et bon pour les enfants... ce nouveau #transport #scolaire fait l'unanimité à #ClermontFerrand
Depuis janvier, la Ville de Clermont-Ferrand a mis en place des #vélos-bus pour les élèves de petite section de l’école Philippe-Arbos. Désormais, aller de l’école à la cantine est une fête.
Gentari EV chargers now priced as high as RM1.80/kWh for DC charging. New overstay fees of up to RM1.50 per minute #bess #cars #ev #evcharger #featured #gentari #gentarigo #news #overstayfee #transport
Le régulateur vietnamien propose d’approuver les certifications chinoises des avions COMAC
Chemin de fer : Lào Cai – Hanoï – Hai Phong, un chantier stratégique pour un développement dynamique
Hangout Live - 25 April 2025
#hiddenlondonhangouts Live at London Transport Museum #CoventGarden #london
#ltmuseum #tube #underground #transport #heritage #londonunderground #hangoutlive #hiddenlondon #cubictheatre #roundel
#alexgrundon #chrisnix #laurahiltonbrown
#nikon #z8 #nikonz8 #plena
@cheziceman @politipet C'est quand même dingue qu'on en soit arrivé en 1940 à un chef d'œuvre d'ingéniérie qui est la Schlörwagen, puis après... presque plus rien.
... Citroën Eole, Volkswagen ein liter, deux trois trucs marginaux jamais mis en prod
C'est seulement dans le vélomobile, à des prix dingues, qu'on a l'alternative...
ATR voit un marché pour 25 ATR 72-600 au Vietnam
First 200 Denza D9 electric MPVs delivered to customers in Malaysia #byd #cars #denza #denzad9 #denzamalaysia #ev #featured #news #transport
Great podcast with Matt Burke highlighting some of the problems of car dependency in Australian cities, and what some areas are doing to try and reduce it. https://getaroundcaboolture.au/s2e8-pp-matt-burke-on-the-true-cost-of-car-centric-cities/ #Australia #transport
#KRITIS Sektor #Transport und #Verkehr
#Ersatzverkehr nötig: #Zugstrecken wegen Dachsbauten vorerst nicht befahrbar
"Weil die Tiere Höhlen in einen #Bahndamm gegraben hatten, muss die Strecke bis Mitte Dezember gesperrt werden...Durch das starke Graben der Raubtiere aus der Familie der Marder hätten sich am Rande des #Gleisbett'es schon #Anlagenteile verschoben, teilte der Zweckverband mit."
The National #Transport Authority (NTA) has published the results of its 2024 Customer Satisfaction Survey, revealing that over 80% of respondents had a positive view of the Transport for #Ireland (TFI) network. Of these, 39% were very satisfied, and 43% fairly satisfied. Satisfaction with recent journeys was even higher, with 54% very satisfied and 38% fairly satisfied. Over 6,000 passengers took part in the survey, which found that 80% of users are happy with the reliability, cleanliness, and comfort of services. Additionally, 94% felt safe using the transport, and 90% were satisfied with value for money. The survey also showed 41% of passengers use public transport daily, and 30% use it two to four days a week. Suggestions for improvement included increased punctuality and frequency.
Tesla is in big trouble. Sales are plummeting and consumers are boycotting the brand as Elon Musk champions far-right politics.
But the CEO’s reputation isn’t the only problem. He’s also made a series of bad business decisions that are coming back to haunt the automaker.
Toutes ces voitures Tesla qui brûlent en Allemagne, ach, quel malheur pour l'image de marque de Musk. Aux Etats-Unis, Trump envisage d'inscrire les dégradations des voiture de la marque de son conseillers sur la liste des crimes de terrorisme domestique https://www.newsweek.com/tesla-vehicles-set-fire-berlin-germany-elon-musk-2044692