Le régulateur vietnamien propose d’approuver les certifications chinoises des avions COMAC

Le régulateur vietnamien propose d’approuver les certifications chinoises des avions COMAC
Chemin de fer : Lào Cai – Hanoï – Hai Phong, un chantier stratégique pour un développement dynamique
Hangout Live - 25 April 2025
#hiddenlondonhangouts Live at London Transport Museum #CoventGarden #london
#ltmuseum #tube #underground #transport #heritage #londonunderground #hangoutlive #hiddenlondon #cubictheatre #roundel
#alexgrundon #chrisnix #laurahiltonbrown
#nikon #z8 #nikonz8 #plena
@cheziceman @politipet C'est quand même dingue qu'on en soit arrivé en 1940 à un chef d'œuvre d'ingéniérie qui est la Schlörwagen, puis après... presque plus rien.
... Citroën Eole, Volkswagen ein liter, deux trois trucs marginaux jamais mis en prod
C'est seulement dans le vélomobile, à des prix dingues, qu'on a l'alternative...
ATR voit un marché pour 25 ATR 72-600 au Vietnam
Great podcast with Matt Burke highlighting some of the problems of car dependency in Australian cities, and what some areas are doing to try and reduce it. https://getaroundcaboolture.au/s2e8-pp-matt-burke-on-the-true-cost-of-car-centric-cities/ #Australia #transport
#KRITIS Sektor #Transport und #Verkehr
#Ersatzverkehr nötig: #Zugstrecken wegen Dachsbauten vorerst nicht befahrbar
"Weil die Tiere Höhlen in einen #Bahndamm gegraben hatten, muss die Strecke bis Mitte Dezember gesperrt werden...Durch das starke Graben der Raubtiere aus der Familie der Marder hätten sich am Rande des #Gleisbett'es schon #Anlagenteile verschoben, teilte der Zweckverband mit."
The National #Transport Authority (NTA) has published the results of its 2024 Customer Satisfaction Survey, revealing that over 80% of respondents had a positive view of the Transport for #Ireland (TFI) network. Of these, 39% were very satisfied, and 43% fairly satisfied. Satisfaction with recent journeys was even higher, with 54% very satisfied and 38% fairly satisfied. Over 6,000 passengers took part in the survey, which found that 80% of users are happy with the reliability, cleanliness, and comfort of services. Additionally, 94% felt safe using the transport, and 90% were satisfied with value for money. The survey also showed 41% of passengers use public transport daily, and 30% use it two to four days a week. Suggestions for improvement included increased punctuality and frequency.
Tesla is in big trouble. Sales are plummeting and consumers are boycotting the brand as Elon Musk champions far-right politics.
But the CEO’s reputation isn’t the only problem. He’s also made a series of bad business decisions that are coming back to haunt the automaker.
Toutes ces voitures Tesla qui brûlent en Allemagne, ach, quel malheur pour l'image de marque de Musk. Aux Etats-Unis, Trump envisage d'inscrire les dégradations des voiture de la marque de son conseillers sur la liste des crimes de terrorisme domestique https://www.newsweek.com/tesla-vehicles-set-fire-berlin-germany-elon-musk-2044692
Deux journalistes de France 2 agressés par des collaborateurs du maire de Boulogne-Billancourt lors d'un conseil municipal qui tourne mal: l'un d'eux a vu sa carte de presse et son téléphone arrachés, pour supprimer leurs vidéos de la séance. L'édile s'est mis en retrait. En cause, la sécurisation d’une station Vélib’ après la mort d'un ado. https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/boulogne-billancourt_92012/c-est-lunaire-le-conseil-municipal-de-boulogne-billancourt-tourne-au-fiasco-le-maire-se-met-en-retrait_62372583.html#m88n9smqta70qu57upi
If you’re interested in civic engagement in the mobility transition, read this new-ish paper by Viktoria Allert & Gerhard Reese. It’s all about how the car-centric system makes it difficult to fight against it & what we need to overcome it:
Creating a common social identity, belief in collective efficacy & strong in-group norms & goals are important for participation in collective action for sustainable mobility.
“British #Cycling’s new plan – and its focus on sport and fleeting, limited references to #infrastructure and #cycling for #transport – have been criticised by #roadsafety expert Dr Robert Davis, who says the strategy fails to address the biggest barrier to growing #cycling in the #UK: the perception that it’s dangerous”
“#Cycling has the power to transform lives, yet too many people face stubborn barriers to getting on a #bike”
I am truly honored to share that I have been appointed to the Board of Directors of the International Professional Association for #Transport & #Health.
It is both a privilege to contribute to this incredible community at the intersection of transport and #public_health.
#KRITIS Sektor #Transport und #Verkehr
#Cargo #ship #captain arrested in North Sea #collision with US-flagged tanker is Russian national, owner says
Heriott Watt students will present their proposals next week to Edinburgh’s council to run tram-trains on Edinburgh’s southern suburban railway section which used to serve passengers but only serves freight as of now. #edinburgh #scotland #uk #tram #transport #trains
Labor commits $1bn to secure rail corridors to new Sydney airport
By Joshua Boscaini
A re-elected federal Labor government plans to inject $1 billion into securing a rail corridor from Sydney's south-western suburbs to the new Western Sydney airport.
#KRITIS Sektor #Transport und #Verkehr
Vor britischer Nordseeküste: #Frachter brennt nach #Kollision weiter
"Nach der Kollision vor der britischen Nordseeküste brennt der Frachter "Solong" weiter. Die Suche nach einem Vermissten wurde eingestellt. Umweltschützer warnen vor erheblichen Gefahren durch #Giftstoffe.
Bei dem Unglück ist dem #Schifffahrtsunternehmen Crowley zufolge #Flugzeugtreibstoff ausgetreten. Den Angaben zufolge..."
Old Trafford (the stadium) always struggled to build more because the trains ran alongside the place. And then the other side of the train track, none of the residents would sell their place.
I guess Manchester United has finally bought all the houses around the stadium and convinced the local government to shut off the train line to Liverpool whilst they redevelop the entire area.
Some big big money being thrown around here.
I'm prepared to shell out to take the #Eurostar bc as a North American, I want to experience what fast, efficient #railservice is like. It's a #transport unicorn, so I'll take the opportunity every time.