New Guide!
What to Do if You Didn't Save Your Notepad Tabs Before Restarting (Windows)
New Guide!
What to Do if You Didn't Save Your Notepad Tabs Before Restarting (Windows)
Hey mastodon
Most of you are tech savvy
My SSD that has a windows 11 install on it is reading as "NTFS" and refuses to boot. Instead it loops trying and failing the automatic repairs
Every time i do an "sfc /scannow" on command prompt it says it finds and repairs corrupt files.
It is lying to me.
I've tried 'dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth' Doesn't work
Does anyone have any idea on how i can fix this?
#computers #windows11 #techhelp
Hey Mac folks, have you ever used the sweet little app called "Grand Perspective”?
It's been in my toolkit of free and extremely useful tools for years.
It shows the files on a harddrive represented by large blocks... you can hover over them and see what they are.
The two biggest here are my iMovie Library (no “big” surprise) and iPhoto Library.
But there are also some I forgot about... like the Windows 11 partition (orange double block in the middle), or how big Civilization 6 is, (yellow on the right edge)
#techHelp #techSupport needed because I just can't right now...
Anyone with an #xbox one s and an #LG smart TV know why HDMI port detects the Xbox, says something briefly about SIMPLINK then says no input check external device power?
Tried 2 x HDMI cables and 2 x hdmi inputs on TV with no adaptors, tried two power cables as well...
Works fine with regular monitor and all updates done there.
#boostsAppreciated #boostsWelcomed #FediTech
My IOS mastodon app keeps crashing the moment I open it. Anyone else running into this?
I’m new to Discord as my university and a club I joined use it. I have some questions about the iOS app:
• How do I join servers? There’s a list from my university, but nothing happens when I double-tap them.
• I have two mentions, but I’m not sure how to view them while in a channel.
Any other tips on how Discord works and how to use it are most welcome! #Discord #TechHelp #Accessibility
hey, a forum i'm helping with has been being hit with a lot of non-bot-identified activity from guest browsers. this forum is pretty well established, but has not been active enough to warrant 50 guest users in 4 minutes.
assuming it's scrapers, does anyone have tips for circumventing them? i've provided a list of some entries for robots.txt already, but would love more tips.
Is there a good domain registrar? Preferably like, queer/left leaning, or at least not US based. I have Reclaim Hosting saved, but I'm not a teacher/student.
Edit: I have now been given a couple of links explaing what I need to do and how to do it.
Thank you.
WordPress advice please.
Is there a way to temporarily take my website off line while I have a think about what I have it for and where I want it to go?
I don't want to delete anything, but I do want to be able to shuffle stuff about and make changes but without any of it being 'live' and visible until I am ready.
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
I'm encountering an issue with my self-hosted setup using Caddy 2.9.1 and Authelia 4.38.19. All domains except
return a 401 Unauthorized error. Journald logs suggest issues with insecure schemes (''
) instead of https
or wss
Feb 24 21:01:47 stormux authelia[2932]: level=error msg="Target URL '/' has an insecure scheme '', only 'https' and 'wss' are supported"
Caddy:Feb 24 21:19:41 stormux caddy[48845]: {"msg":"handled request","method":"GET","host":"","status":200}
Curl Output:
HTTP Request:
$ curl -v
< HTTP/1.1 308 Permanent Redirect
< Location:
HTTPS Request:
$ curl -v
< HTTP/2 401
< content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
< server: Caddy
401 Unauthorized
Does anyone know what might be causing this? I suspect it could be related to forward_auth
or trusted proxies.
Thanks in advance!
#SelfHosting #CaddyServer #Authelia #ReverseProxy #TechHelp #Linux #HomeLab
@selfhost @selfhosting @selfhosted
Hello, #Rstats people: I'm on linux and use #R2U for installing most packages. Well, right now I'm getting a timeout/not-found error for
I'm trying to figure out the problem, but for now it would be really helpful if there was another r2u mirror/server. I am searching online and only finding this one. Is the whole r2u project really managed by only one server in Illinois? I am assuming there are other servers, but I can't find a list.
Any hints?
Having trouble getting iTunes to recognize your iPhone on Windows? @mikahsargent walks through the fix on Hands-On Tech 204! Don’t let sync issues slow you down!
#iTunes #TechHelp
Download & subscribe:
Ad-free & exclusives: Join Club TWiT
Got my tablet set up to ease out of the Kindle ecosystem. But when I went to download a book from calibre it wanted to open it in Google Books.
So what app do y'all use to read epubs on an Android device because I don't like the idea of uploading my books to Google Books to read.
Here's an odd question. Is it possible to daisy chain hard drives? Like, can I use one SATA port with a ribbon that has connectors for two hard drives. I think this was possible on my old IDE computer, but no idea with modern hardware.
I want to dual boot, and all the suggestions are a drive for each OS, but my laptop has very little physical space and all of the SATA ports are filled. That said, I might be able to shove a small M.2 SATA drive in there. I asked on the hardware company's forum and they were less than helpful.
Hi all, I've got a question about #eMail. If I have my own domain, (eg and set it up on an email service to have email sent to that address be licked up by them, (eg is set up as a Proton email,) if I switch services, (say tuta) and remove from proton and add it to Tuta, will email just start flowing there instead, or will I have to change the email for places I used it.
Like, if I have a Taco bell rewards account with, will I have to tell taco bell about the change, or will it just go to the new service?
Dunno if I'm explaining this well...
Hi, got a question.
Is there a standard for Anti-AI/Anti-SEO etc robots.txt file? Or a trustworthy site that explains how to build one if prefab isn't available? Is there anything else I should consider?
Oi vey, mon!
I am a total no0b with this stuff, so here goes.
I got the impending death notice from Windows on my laptop for #windows10. I don't want to shell out for a new machine right now. Is there an idiot's guide for people like me?
I know I am not the only one on this ship. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Just set up my firefox account after years of using it. Confirmed with Surfshark that the license will transfer. I know my Google account is secure