I'm only finished with the first chapter --and with going through all of the supplementary material for chapter one that's hyperlinked in the instructor guide, which I think should be mandatory rather than supplementary-- but I'm already convinced that this class (and its supplementary materials) should be a requirement for CS majors at least, if not for engineers and "STEM"-type majors in general.
The Stochastic Parrots paper, in particular, is excellent. Two of that paper's listed authors (Emily Bender @emilymbender, Angelina McMillan-Major) hail from the University of Washington. Not surprising then, I suppose, that the folks behind this class/course/curriculum/website also hail from there: Carl Bergstrom (@ct_bergstrom) and Jevin West ( Those two are also members of a broader effort from that same university called the Center for an Informed Public (@uwcip).