Anti-Trans National Risk Assessment Map: March Edition
#transrights #AntiTransAwareness
[#TwoWords : Elon Musk] Palantir suggests 'common operating system' for UK govt data
#billionaires #oligarchy #libertarianism #meritocracy #plutocracy #capitalism #protofascism
#surveillance #Palantir #privacy
[Stolen from @sharkmime] To help make connections: name things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost/repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.
#ClimateChange #Science #InfoSec #InfoSecButOnlyAsAPopcornEatingTourist #NewZealand #NZPol #Pol #BESS #Equality #SocialJustice #ParkRun #MTB #eMTB #Bafang #CYC #CYCPhoton #Cycling #NotJustBikes #SolarPV #LessIsMore #TheBugle #DanCarlin #DogsOfMastodon #Raglan
#TheBugle #Aoteara #JamesNokise
By then, the #climate will have worsened for all but the conditions for #mitigation & #adaptation in the Global #South will be even more adverse, with the Global #North having benefited from cheap #extraction & #technology without any reduction in its #energy footprint or adjustment for energy sufficiency.”
This is a good point by Sabrina Fernandes
“To believe that a fast Global #North #transition allows the Global #South more time to do so in the future, after having its own turn with conventional fossil pathways of #development, is to promote development & #sovereignty with an expiry date…
“But the debates regarding# transition are being depoliticised, reduced to #investment packages & #socioeconomic adjustments that try to normalise the absurd notion that it is possible to change everything to stop #globalwarming while leaving power structures intact”
This Human Rights Month, let’s reflect on South Africa’s journey towards equality and freedom.
March 21st marks a time to celebrate our progress, honour the struggles of the past, and renew our commitment to a future of social justice and human rights for all.
Read our new article on Deepening a Culture of Social Justice and Human Rights:
"The responsibility of intellectuals is to speak the truth and expose lies."
–Noam Chomsky
#Chomsky emphasizes that those who have knowledge and influence must use their intellect to challenge falsehoods and reveal the truth. Intellectuals, whether scholars, journalists, or thinkers, have a duty to question power structures and educate the public. Silence in the face of deception allows misinformation to spread unchecked.
Social/Environmental Justice Dept: Can a country sue and recover damages for actions by and behaviors of other countries to their environments? These nations propose penalties for “ecocide”. (Age-old question on the responsibility of those who cause environmental problems: Should the victims bear the costs when others are causing the problems?) #environment #ecology #ICC #ecocide #socialjustice #scienceandsociety
Berlin faces colonial past as activists call for change #Berlin #ColonialPast #Activism #SocialJustice #History
“The very writing of a poem or a speech or the raising of a song,” Barbara wrote in her memoir, “was a kind of victory in itself, a triumph over censorship or marginalization, disparagement or even death.” #BarbaraDane #Music #FolkMusic #ProtestMusic #SocialJustice #CivilRights #AgaiinstTheCurrent #USPol #History #Sociology
Heute am internationalen #TagGegenRassismus wollen wir den Widerstand gegen die #Schikanekarte mit einem bundesweiten Aktionstag sichtbar machen!
Gemeinsam sagen wir #NeinzurBezahlkarte ! #BezahlkartenStoppen !
#Bezahlkarte abschaffen! #AsylbLGAbschaffen !
Auch die Omas gegen Rechts in Seelow, Brandenburg engagieren sich gegen die Bezahlkarte. Sabine und Jutta erzählen warum:
March is #SocialWork month. The theme this year is: #SocialWorkIsEverywhere
Social workers are pushing up large boulders up very steep hills in every context you can imagine. Why? Because we believe in #SocialJustice
I wanted to take a minute to honour the work of my colleagues far and wide. Thank you for your daily contributions to change work
"Bitte steht auf im Namen der Menschrechte! Steht auf im Namen des Respekts für Menschen und kämpft gegen die #Bezahlkarte ",
sagt Fatuma Moussa Afra vom United Action Women & Girls e.V.
Hört auf sie!
Werdet vor Ort aktiv, macht mit beim morgigen #Aktionstag und schließt euch unserem Netzwerk an. Denn: "Gemeinsam können wir viel erreichen!"