Sometimes accidents happen.
The lampshade broke and I needed a new one. Luckily the electronics remained intact. Printed the top of the "lucent lamp" by @h3li0 on printables.
#3dprinting #i3mk3s #prusaslicer @prusa3d #3DPrintingGarage #3dprintingspirits #3dimpression #3Dпечать #impresora3D #3DDruck #3dmodel #lamp
Mise en route de l'imprimante @prusa3d PRUSA #prusacoreone. Un régal ! Le nivellement du plateau est parfait et les premières impressions se déroulent parfaitement sans réglage à reprendre. Reste à découvrir les multiples options du logiciel #prusaslicer utilisé pour transformer les objets .STL ou .3MF en .gcode
@astraluma I use #syncthing to keep the configs in sync for #cura, #prusaslicer, and #orcaslicer. I have a NAS as central storage, and each computer syncs with it. I have a dual boot laptop and can sync the config under both Linux and Windows, as well as with the Linux mini-pc where I do most of my work with the printers. I use #octoprint to manage the printers, so I can send a print job from any slicer on any computer.
When the #3DPrinter is operating really well and printed 25 parts with very little error and issue.
That’s when you decide to take #Prusa3D #Upgrade parts out and start dismantling and upgrading.
Software > Patents: open-source Python plugin for slicer software implements staggered layers, improves strength, violates dodgy patents
#3DPrinting #OrcaSlicer #PrusaSlicer #bricklayers #patents
Aktuálně to vypadá, že se blížím první existencionální překážce na #RaspberryPi5 - slicery pro 3D tiskárny. V repozitářích je akorát #PrusaSlicer, který by rád OpenGL 3.2, Malina zvládá ale jen verzi 3.1. I tak se slicer spustí, zbytek funkcí ještě musím otestovat a dát dohromady profil pro mou tiskárnu.
For this print, I tested the new scarf joint feature in the latest PrusaSlicer, and I’m thrilled with how it turned out! While the developers didn’t seem entirely convinced about it, I found the joints to be clean, sturdy, and super useful. Definitely a feature I’ll be using again!
Flower pot:
Printed some fun decoration and glued two sides together
„Customizable Christmas Name Ornament“ by Lyl3 on printables.
#3dprinting #i3mk3s #prusaslicer @prusa3d #3DPrintingGarage #3dprintingspirits #3dimpression #3Dпечать #impresora3D #3DDruck #3dmodel
#decoration #ornaments #ornament
Happy Halloween!
Printed this little fella by @bugman_140 on printables.
#3dprinting #i3mk3s #prusaslicer @Prusa3D #3DPrintingGarage #3dprintingspirits #3dimpression #3Dпечать #impresora3D #3DDruck #3dmodel #halloween #skeleton
I should post this somewhere better after hours spent debugging, but if using #flatpak with #PrusaSlicer (or anything else with flatpak) and DNS doesn't work on Linux, check your systemd-resolved config, eg with:
> resolvectl query
If this fails, fix systemd-resolved. The issue appears to be that the container uses a different nsswitch.conf than the host and forces systemd-resolved use if it is running, so if broken the host may not notice but the flatpak container will.
PrusaSlicer 2.9.0 má novou vychytávku, můžete si připravovat až 9 podložek najednou. Sice to není tak vychytané jako v jiných slicerech, ale i tak to pomůže - vše si můžete uložit jako jeden projekt, takže pokud tisknete něco většího, máte všechny díly v jednom souboru.
V3 case versus V2 (this time printed less aggressively and using the new scarf seams feature in #PrusaSlicer alpha). Going to monitor stats for the next few hours to see if there is much of a difference in performance. Have a feeling I might need to add some more ventilation though.
My Prusa slicer does this weird thing where it generates this wide layer as a support, it ruins the prints as the extruder is not capable of this. It's probably a setting I don't know about.
This doesn't happen in Super Slicer
How do I turn this off?
I'm sure the Disney Imagineers saw it as castle interior but I see it as #organic supports when #3dprinting such as #prusaslicer
Conveniently adding thumbnailers on #NixOS:
Here's mine to show previews of #SolveSpace, #OpenSCAD, #PrusaSlicer gcode and 3mf files:
Hello fellow #3DPrinter folks! I created a new model and released it on Printables. I fell in love with the every other layer color change on my purge blocks after starting to use my @josefprusa #MK4 #MMU3 and decided I wanted to be able to do it on purpose so I made this mesh modifier. I hope to see some cool #3dprinted designs with it soon! #maker #fidget #Prusa3D #PrusaSlicer
I don’t know when they added it but I really like the “one perimeter on first layer” (and top layer) option in Prusa Slicer. I tend to print with more perimeters for strength so this setting helps to make the outside of the parts look quite a lot cleaner! #3dprinting #prusaslicer
And the question is not religious - it is quite possible to use both #Kisslicer and #PrusaSlicer for their own purposes :)
Maybe someone will give me the latest Mac tomorrow! Prusa then :)