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Yesterday I got fed up with a TP-Link repeater not working so I ditched the router, replaced it with a GL.iNet GL-MT3000 by flashing #OpenWRT to it and now everything works smoothly! I followed these instructions to set up Wireless Distribution System (WDS) on the main as well as on the repeater router:

The main router already runs OpenWRT. Now the whole floor has good WiFi coverage from these two routers.

Next up is setting up WLAN roaming aka 802.11r Fast Transition.[OpenWrt Wiki] Wi-Fi Extender/Repeater with WDS
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En línia general, per aquí defensem que la infraestructura de fibra òptica hauria de ser un comú, de forma similar a les carreteres o les línies elèctriques.

En ciutats com Zürich és el cas: una empresa municipal administra la part física, subcontractant el manteniment i la instal•lació si s'escau:

Els proveïdors paguen a aquesta empresa municipal per l'accés a la part física (al mateix preu, totes les empreses) i competeixen en prestacions i atenció als clients finals, que poden canviar de proveïdor super fàcil donant el múmero del punt terminal de Fibra Òptica.

Aqui això no és una realitat i llogar la part física, encara que sigui als grans, te sentit; però clarament no és una competència en igualtat de condicions.

Apart de la capa física, hi ha moltes coses involucrades en un ISP (Proveïdor de Serveis d'Internet), i aquí és on potser la crítica a és parcialment vàlida, però cal ésser conscients que per la seva estructura cooperativista hi ha una sèrie de limitacions salarials que fan que potser no puguin assumir amb personal propi certes tasques; no és pas una qüestió fàcil d'adreçar, i segur que està en el seu ràdar.

A eXO, per l'escala (petita!) i la tipologia de sòcies, tot el que va més enllà de la capa física ho porta l'associació mateixa amb feina voluntària i col•laboracions estretes; així els routers poden ser genèrics (n'hi ha amb #OpenWRT, mikrotik, #FreeBSD, …), les IPs són pròpies (eXO és membre del #RIPENCC), hi ha una IPv4 pròpia i una delegació de bloc /56 de #IPv6, si canviem de domicili les nostres IPs vénen amb nosaltres, i si ens hi volem implicar, podem involucrar-nos en l'operativa de l'associació, aprenent com es fa i com funciona internet en el procés.

Sobretot el tema de l'escala petita fa que el preu d'accés a la capa física sigui alt, i que les despeses fixes es distribueixin entre poques connexions. Tampoc hi ha un ànim de lucre, inversions ni especulacions, així que els serveis s'han de poder sostenir econòmicament.
Això fa que no sigui viable oferir els preus tan baixos com els que ofereixen altres ISP, però sí que baixaran, i sobretot contribuïm a mantenir una infraestructura de manera diferent, mancomunada i comunitària, i a poder oferir serveis al públic general com ara /, que és operat i suportat econòmicament 100% per l'associació.

ewzGlasfaseranschluss – Jetzt ans Glasfasernetz anschliessenVerschaffen Sie sich Zugang zum Glasfasernetz, der Technologie der Zukunft und wählen Sie den gewünschten Service für Ihren Glasfaseranschluss aus.

Yesterday I replaced my NetGear WNDR4300 (v1) running OpenWrt 18.06 with an OpenWrt One running 24.10.0.
The latter runs as a dumb AP and I even got it to show IPs and Hostnames of DHCP leases of wireless devices.

A difference like Day and night. I'm so going to replace the rest of my NetGears with Ones as well.

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@blackvoid @Fishd Hm it should be a good docker host, providing files fast. Transcoding for videos is nice in hardware, but when the cpu is fast enough I might as well get around it? I sometimes feel now the slow hdds on my current machine and I’m looking for options. I still like synology for all of its easy to use software and support.
After using an #openwrt router for over a year I’ve moved to #UniFi, because of better software and update support. Same applies to the NAS.

[ It's decided, OPNsense is currently installing over pfSense! ]

So my Intel N100 quad core with 16Gb ram and a 256GB NVME drive and 4 x 2.5Gb ethernet ports has arrived with pfSense preinstalled but I'm thinking I'd be better off with #OPNsense installed instead?
Am I right as this is going to be my main router / firewall ? Feel free to comment and thank you.
No I'm not using #OpenWRT anymore sorry.
#FreeBSD #IntelNUC #RunBSD

I've always been told that #OpenWRT was somewhat unprofessional, that it was just a bunck of duct-taped tools with a linux kernel in it, that I should rather use #opnsense / #pfsense for more complete use case.
Now that I got enough experience with both (several years of quite advanced use), I can say that I feel way more confortable with OpenWRT.

‘Ban These Chinese Routers NOW,’ Cries House Committee
TP-Link in crosshairs, along with other brands.

#Chinese consumer-grade networking gear is a dangerous #security threat, argue these fine gentlemen. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Illinois), Rob Joyce (former NSA director of cybersecurity) and Rep. John Moolenaar (R-Michigan) have hatched a plan to eradicate TP-Link routers and other plastic pigs from our homes.

#TPLINK on the other hand, is spitting feathers, arguing it’s not been a “Chinese” company for years. In #SBBlogwatch, we get familiar with #OpenWRT.

Security Boulevard · ‘Ban These Chinese Routers NOW,’ Cries House CommitteeSino stoppage scheme: TP-Link in crosshairs, along with other brands.

If you've been using #openwrt for decades like I have, you'll know that the table of hardware was always very very slow. Well in the last few days, a volunteer who had built a vastly faster interactive table of hardware had his interactive table merged to the openwrt site as official. Check it out here:

Thanks much to user wxop on the openwrt forum who wrote the new table code.

toh.openwrt.orgOpenWRT Table of Hardware - Device Compatibility GuideComprehensive list of devices compatible with OpenWRT firmware. Find the perfect hardware for your open-source networking project.

I've spent maybe way too much time tinkering with my home Internet connection in the past couple of years. Because... why not?

I like my OpenWRT device, and it has had a real quality-of-service impact at home. And it's fun.

Last month I did a presentation on this at a local meetup — more of an introduction around latency and queueing than a prescriptive technical tutorial.

Folks had a bunch of questions afterwards, and that was fun too.

Je pige déjà pas grand-chose au DNS à part les bases élémentaires (genre installer un résolveur local en suivant les explications de @shaft ) mais je comprends encore moins quand ça se mélange avec VPN.

Et maintenant que j'ai installé le VPN sur mon routeur, je comprends vraiment plus comment je dois configurer le résolveur sur le routeur ni la résolution DNS sur mes machines.

Y'a une doc quelque part ?

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@LukaszHorodecki @linux_pl Tak jak @rozie i @centopus piszą, lepiej chyba po prostu postawić sobie #pihole lub skonfigurować sobie innego #dns serwera co by podawał dla znanych szkodliwych domen.
Co w sumie nie oznacza że nie warto mieć wtedy #ublock a, ja osobiście na ruterze z #openwrt dałem jedną z list domen do blokowania i jednocześnie używam ublocka (głównie od wyłączenia #javascript i plików medialnych co ważą dużo) i jestem szczęśliwy.

Continued thread

Story continues: #Turris factory reset (whose button did not work in the UI) followed by 4 hours of finding issues, re-configuring the setup, trying to debug why only some devices aren't getting IPs (still an issue!), finding out why "disable X" in Web UI has no effect, ... until I gave up. 👿

For the working devices, download bandwidth is still measured in kB/s and not in MB/s. 😩

Well, from my personal experience, I certainly can't recommend Turris devices. Especially when they cost so much that you get multiple(!) similar routers for the same money. 😔

Unboxed my #OpenWrt One. Arrived this morning. It will replace my 10+ year old WiFi router -- which also ran OpenWrt.

I have a two router setup at home. An #OpenBSD router handles the external internet connection and firewall, and the WiFi router sits behind it.