IntelliJ IDEA's Blog Feedback 2025
#intellij #intellijidea #jetbrains

IntelliJ IDEA's Blog Feedback 2025
#intellij #intellijidea #jetbrains
Meet Kotlin 2.1 - From Non-Local Exits to Multi-Dollar Strings
@ethauvin as someone in the comments mentioned, o3-mini-high performs even better, but they did not include it in their ranking. #JetBrains #Kotlin #LLM
Kdo patří k největším plátcům DPH v Česku? Je to původem ruská společnost #Jetbrains. Sídlo má v Praze a jen loni zaplatila na dani 883 miliónů korun.
Another Set of Bug-Fix Updates for ReSharper and Rider 2024.3 Is Here by Sasha Ivanova.
IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3.4 Is Out!
#intellij #intellijidea #java #jetbrains #kotlin
Do I know someone who can help me get access to Junie?
I'm on the waiting list but currently working on a tooling recommendation and would love to be able to get a sense of where JetBrains is taking it.
Edit: got it
Some fun work to try to apply #eslint -style rules to a #dotnet project using #jetbrains #rider - with thanks to @khalidabuhakmeh
Heads up for all the lucky folks who has access to #JetBrains #Junie EAP! Do you wanna know how to optimize using follow-up prompts and new prompts? Here is a tip for you (link in comment) #AI #prompts
Tips for using #Junie :
Know more about #JetBrains new #AI coding agent and join the waitlist:
I see JetBrains has put an opt-out full line autocomplete "Local" LLM in the IDEs. I tried it, it was mostly annoying and seemed to be wrong a lot. It just got into he way.
Thank you #jetbrains for the #PHPStorm product. My renewal is done for another year ;)
So, it looks like there's documentation out there for how to use Roslyn to do this in code:
It seems like there should be some #visualstudio or #JetBrains #Rider plugin to get the full documentation ID for a method - maybe by right clicking it or something?
Is it me or is #jetbrains #rider on #mac just a little bit challenged when it comes to #maui ?
Y a-t-il des gens qui utilisent Talon ici avec des produits JetBrains ? Je voulais intégrer un peu de VoiceCode à ma vie, donc j'arrive à naviguer sur mon ordinateur avec Talon et tout par contre j'ai installé le plugin de VoiceCode sur Pycharm mais je ne trouve pas de documentation sur comment faire pour coder avec ma voix ?
Retoots fortement appréciés !
Very pleasantly surprised at how quickly have been able to put together a custom Django invoicing app this morning using #jetbrains #junie
So Rust Rover is pretty good, but you can feel that they struggle with the fact that Rust was not made by IDE-conscious language designers.
e.g. inside proc-macros it’s the wild-west, anything goes so the IDE can barely help you (at least unless you have compiled once, it looks like they do best-effort mapping after).
Also makes you realize how unergonomic the syntax really is in many places, kotlin is so much better.
OpenAI vs. DeepSeek: Which AI Understands Kotlin Better?
#ai #deepseek #java #jetbrains #kotlin #openai
JetBrains stoppt eigene IDE-Pläne: Kotlin Multiplatform-Entwicklung im Fokus
JetBrains verlagert seinen Fokus auf KMP-Unterstützung in IntelliJ und stellt eigene KMP-IDE ein. Nutzerfeedback fließt in künftige Verbesserungen ein.