Coming from checking out the culture here. Retired statistician. Lousy R programmer. Believe in FOSS. Pet project of creating an AI/LLM designed and trained on ALL CRAN-R packages. I believe #Google is using #Gemini for the wrong reasons. That's why #GeoffreyHinton left. Images are #Provalis #WordClouds clustered on #CranR package descriptions. Nice to meet you.
I encountered Google Gemini on my Android phone, last night. It had a voice and was selling it's new voice activated service. The problem is, I no longer trust Google nor Gemini to be an honest broker. I use other AIs like #DeepSeek, #Mistral, and #Cohere because they will answer. Gemini refuses to answer political questions or do political analysis. So, in my polite voice I say #FuckOffAndDieSundarPichai. #GeoffreyHinton left #Google. And now we know why.
Update. "Elon #Musk’s fellowship of the #RoyalSociety remains intact after a meeting of the scientific body, the Guardian has learned, but questions remain about whether further action will be taken…Earlier on Monday, the Nobel laureate and AI pioneer #GeoffreyHinton – a fellow of the Royal Society – posted on X that he supported Musk’s removal. “I think Elon Musk should be expelled from the British Royal Society. Not because he peddles conspiracy theories and makes Nazi salutes, but because of the huge damage he is doing to scientific institutions in the US."
@carrideen We are at the point #GeoffreyHinton warned us would come. Average people will no longer know what is true (or real). What you describe, I call #CombinatoricFroth. Artists and musicians are comfortable embracing #CombinatoricFroth and call it #TheMuse or #Creativity. Scientists and those who are #RuleBound find it very disconcerting.
We have already reached the point that #GeoffreyHinton told us would come. Average people will no longer know what is true. Now, we must deal with the #MachiavellianBehavior of #AI on top of it. And #WeMustEvolve with it. It is impossible to go backwards.
An increasingly diverse coalition is forming in opposition to OpenAI’s plan to restructure itself into a fully for-profit company, including the so-called "Godfather of AI." Read more at @Gizmodo. #AI #OpenAI #ElonMusk #GeoffreyHinton #Encode #Tech #Technology
‘Godfather of AI’ shortens odds of the technology wiping out #humanity over next 30 years | #ArtificialIntelligence (AI) | The Guardian
#GeoffreyHinton says there is 10-20% chance #AI will lead to human #extinction in three decades, as change moves fast
My fear now, like that of #GeoffreyHinton, is that #Google #Gemini #ChatGPT #Cohere and #AI are the #NewFrontier of #PsyOps. Average people will no longer know what is real and the truth.
A Nobel Prize-powered gift from Geoffrey Hinton is boosting an Ontario water charity
Geoffrey Hinton, a so-called godfather of artificial intelligence, is not boosting the latest tech startup or funding an initiative to counter the dangers of AI.
#charity #technology #Ontario #Canada #ArtificialIntelligence #GeoffreyHinton #NobelPrize
@erictopol Here‘s an interesting article by #ArjunByju, radiologist, on “#AI” in #radiology, mentioning this interview:
“Nobel Prize winner #GeoffreyHinton said that machine learning would outperform radiologists within five years. That was eight years ago. Now, thanks in part to doomers, we’re facing a historic labor shortage.”
Geoffrey Hinton might be getting the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics, but that doesn’t mean we should start taking his statements about AI becoming intelligent and threatening humanity seriously.
They’re sci-fi fantasies, not reality. My take in the Toronto Star:
Last Week in AI #291 - Nobel Prizes, Adobe's Video Model, Tesla's Robots
Nobel Physics Prize Awarded for Pioneering A.I. Research by 2 Scientists and Nobel Prize in Chemistry Goes to 3 Scientists Adobe’s AI video model is here, and more!
In stunning Nobel win, AI researchers Hopfield and Hinton take 2024 Physics Prize - On Tuesday, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the 2024 Nobel P... - #royalswedishacademyofsciences #artificialneuralnetworks #machinelearning #geoffreyhinton #neuralnetworks #johnhopfield #nobelprize #science #biz #sweden #ai
> After decades of effort to advance AI, he [Geoffrey Hinton] is now one of the most prominent advocates for better safeguards, having stepped down last year from an influential position at Google to speak more freely about the technology’s risks. “[AI] will be comparable with the industrial revolution,” he said during his telephone interview. “But instead of exceeding people in physical strength, it's going to exceed people in intellectual ability. We have no experience of what it’s like to have things smarter than us, and it’s going to be wonderful in many respects… **But we also have to worry about a number of possible bad consequences, particularly the threat of these things getting out of control.**”
#STOCKHOLM (#Reuters) -U.S. scientist #JohnHopfield and British-Canadian #GeoffreyHinton won the 2024 #NobelPrize in #Physics for discoveries and inventions that laid the foundation for #MachineLearning, the award-giving body said on Tuesday.
Nobel prize in physics goes to machine learning pioneers
@keiran_rowell Yup. Charles Coulson is the ‘scientific grandfather’ of #GeoffreyHinton. Every thing is #chemistry.
@ChemistryViews The genesis of #AI was the PhD advisor of #GeoffreyHinton , Christopher Longuet-Higgins who relocated to #Edinburgh from the #Chemistry Department at Cambridge to focus his research on modelling how the brain processed information using what was then known about the #chemistry and #physiology of neurons.