It's easy to forget sometimes as the music just sort of fades into the background after a while and there's a million things you want to do (build this, find that ore, fight off evil aliens, etc etc) but #EmpyrionGalacticSurvival really does have an amazing soundtrack...
I really love when games have soundtracks that just sound really nice and atmospheric like this.
I'm looking for some #gamemusic for my #7drl game. It has an anarchistic/punk aesthetic, so something along those lines!
Since it's for a game jam, has to be free to use at least for non-commercial projects.
There's obviously a bunch of royalty free music sites, but they all require registration and I really can't be bothered with that bs rn.
Complete Scores from 2024
Hi everyone! I've decided to do something new and make a collection of scores for an album.
More information and the scores are here:
All of the scores from my '2024' album are now available in one collection (PDF). This includes scores for the three piano solos and ten orchestral pieces.
All of the orchestral scores in this collection are in C.
Piano sheets are 9 x 12.
Orchestral study scores are 10.5 x 14.
Scores included are:
• Seasons of Life
• Passion / Lament
• Sky
• Endless Maze
• Tree of Life
• Summer Rain
• Broken Dream
• End of Summer
• The Distant Horizon
• Voyage by Starlight
• Crystallis Ultima
• Nightfall
• Autumn Rain
If you grab this, I hope you enjoy it! :)
The #vgtunes of the day is...
Mirror's Edge
The soundtrack by Solar Fields perfectly reflects the amazing ambiance and sense of freedom you would experience in this atypical first-person platformer.
Check it out:
dBXY – Plantera 2: Golden Acorn Soundtrack
#Soundtrack #animalcrossing #cute #gamemusic #idle #indiegame #indiegamemusic #ost #soundtrack #videogame #videogamemusic #Leeds
CC BY-NC-ND (#CreativeCommons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives) #ccmusic
I also did some reorchestrations of the Under A Killing Moon soundtrack for my video (including a fairly bonkers EBM remix of the Bastion of Sanctity music). Free download, of course.
Song: Everybody Wants To Catch A Fish
I found an old cover of Wily Stage 2 from Mega Man 3 that I did ages ago. I can't play guitar worth of shit, and my guitar only had 3 strings at the time, so the lead melody is all played on a single string.
Any Gothic fans? This song is absolutely beautiful.
Inspirierender Beitrag zu #GameMusic von #Arte #tracks
**Game Music: Der Sound zum Zocken**
Mermaid's Lake
Theme for a mermaid who lives in a lake with a waterfall.
➣ Full song:
Someone loaded Ragnarok Online game data and loaded them into Unity, and made it into a 2.5 hour of Ragnarok Online game music.
Temple of Wind
Fantasy RPG temple theme. An ancient temple where a deity of the sky used to be worshipped. It's beautiful, yet eerie. Traces of magic still linger here.
➣ Full song:
Macrocosm - avant-garde electronic music composition by yours truly
Game: Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable (PSP) (gamerip) (2007)
The #vgtunes of the day is...
If you love mystery, you'll love Tunic. And if you love great soundtracks, you'll love this one composed by Lifeformed and Janice Kwan.
Check it out:
Passion / Lament
This definition of the word "Passion" really resonated with me while I was thinking on titles for this piece: a willingness to suffer for what you love.
➣ Full song:
I also did an ep of remixes of Jan Hammer's musical score for Police Quest III to go along with my video.
Free download here:
There's 10 electro/drum-n-bass type remixes, plus 2 totally metal
covers of the Driving and Main Theme, courtesy of THE SONS OF DARKNESS (me and @error47 co-hort Jon Paul Sapsford).
I don't know how many people need music for their games, but I wanted to put a reminder out there that I'm available to work on game music/arrangement work! Whether you need DTM music made with actual hardware synths for a retro game, or orchestral/world, I can do that
More Info: