This is British Politics, everyone is a prop comic now.
Ed actually has some important things to say, but he has to behave like a clown to get attention so people will hear it apparently
Are we a serious country?
This is British Politics, everyone is a prop comic now.
Ed actually has some important things to say, but he has to behave like a clown to get attention so people will hear it apparently
Are we a serious country?
Starmer is a Trump Quisling.
He laughs at the notion that the US could betray us, work against us, like they are doing now.
Is this the man we need leading the country?
#EdDavey, Ldr of the #UK’s Liberal Democrats:
“#JDVance & his mates clearly aren't fit to run a group chat, let alone the world's strongest #military force. It has to make our #security services nervous about the #intelligence we're sharing with them.”
“#Trump's #WhiteHouse can't be trusted. Their reckless approach to security means it's only a matter of time before British intelligence is leaked.
“The Govt must urgently review our intelligence-sharing arrangements with the US.”
Ed Davey pointing out the obvious, but No 10 refuses to see it, and will be endangering our assets around the world with this naivety.
People will see the UK as nothing but a vassal of Gilead and react accordingly. Ukraine should be very wary of what it tells the UK.....
Although Lib Dems going through the lobbies with the Tories to support austerity is hardly ancient history, credit where credit is due - Davey's approach would be so much better than Starmer's attempts to ingratiate himself with Trump.
Ed Davey: UK must stand up to 'bully' Donald Trump
Brits want to fight back at Trump and Musk's assault on our culture and freedom. But our coward PM won't do it, wanting to appease Hitlers instead of stand up to them.
British parliamentarian calls on the U.K. to rally around Canada, throws poutine party |
I don't love Davey and the LibDems, but he is absolutely right in his urging Keir Starmer to stick up for Canada.
The UK should be forthright in its support for Canada's resistance to Trump's annexationist bullying for a number of reasons:
- we British have a historic link to Canada, and should always be mindful of the sacrifices Canadians have made on our behalf.
- tiptoeing away from Canada in the hope of avoiding Trump trade measures harmful to the UK would not only betray Canada but also damage our own national interests. Trump has already shown his untrustworthiness with regard to existing agreements, so any deal made with his administration cannot be used as a secure basis for business planning. A readiness to sell out Canada signals to others that we ourselves are not a reliable partner; it also signals to Trump that we are weak, intimidated by threats, and thus liable to fold in negotiations with him. Rather than trying to secure a narrow US-UK trade deal without regard to Canadian interests, we should recognize our vital interest in working together with Canada, the EU, and other important trade partners on a joint strategy to halt the Trump led slide into global economic disruption.
- acquiescing to Trump's bullying in the Americas is to acquiesce to regional bullying everywhere.
Brighty @Brighti on #KeirStarmer #EdDavey #Benefits @TheSun – political cartoon gallery in London
Ed Davey of the Lib Dems attacking Farage over Trump because Starmer has to hide and be in the Rapist's good books, the Trump Whisperer that he thinks he is.
ReformUK is the Protest Vote for Traitors.
They can pretend to be objective, but we all know they take their orders from Oligarchs, only the Protest Voters don't want to see it.
You're not fooling us though Farage, we know you're so far up Trump's ass you can taste the overcooked steak and ketchup coming down the other way....
Meet the UK party that thinks Trump-bashing is a vote-winner – POLITICO #Americas #Borders #BorisJohnson #Brexit #BritishPolitics #Cities #DonaldTrump #EdDavey #Elections #GeorgeW.Bush #GreatBritain #Iraq #JohnSwinney #KamalaHarris #LizTruss #Negotiations #NigelFarage #Parliament #Platforms #Policy #Protectionism #Referendum #Rights #Scotland #tariffs #trade #UK #Ukraine #UnitedKingdom #UnitedStates #VinceCable #visas #War #Water #WestminsterBubble
Starmer is a coward who is selling out our nation to fascists.
I like that Ed Davey is setting Starmer up to be exposed as the Quisling coward he is.
Starmer has bent the knee to Trump and now he expects us all to go along with it, without debate or question.
Ed Davey saying things Keir Starmer is too afraid to.
Maybe all the fairground rides during the election convinced Davey he is a brave boy, unlike the Quisling Keir? 37 words that sum up a wild 2024 in British politics – POLITICO #borders #BorisJohnson #BritishPolitics #career #DavidLammy #DonaldTrump #EDDAVEY #elections #EstherMcVey #Farms #HumzaYousaf #JamesCleverlyMP #JeremyClarkson #KeirStarmer #KemiBadenoch #LIZTRUSS #MattHoneycombeFoster #migration #Missiles #Mobility #NigelFarage #Politics #RishiSunak #rwanda #security #Tax #UK #Ukraine #UnitedKingdom #youth
British Politicians lining up behind the Landowners, the rest of us have no voice.
As #ThamesWater struggles 4 cash after distributing £Billions 2 shareholders, #EdDavey's great campaign to highlight these problems gathers pace. The message is clear, to stop #TorySewageParty vote #LibDem on Thursday. #ToriesOut #ToryLiars #rejoinEU #ToryGreed #TacticalVoting