This one has a bit of foreshortening... but I'll do better on the next ones
Architizer : Framing Nature: How the Notch House Redefines Cabin Design with Extraordinary Glass Details https://architizer.com/blog/practice/details/framing-nature-cabin-design-marvin-extraordinary-glass-details/ #Sponsored #Practice #Details
Oh, wow... turns out that I do, in fact, have a fundamental tightness problem I thought it was only when playing against just the metronome but nope - no matter what I do, I'm consistently landing a few thou ahead of the beat.
This test is a 4/4 beat captured on a MIDI pad vs. hand claps through a mic - yesterday I did a bunch of tests with guitar & they all showed the same trend
I guess I have a lot of practice with the 'nome ahead of me
My question of the week: How Do You Manage To Want to Keep Learning?
#QuestionOfTheWeek #practice
I’ve been working to get better at drawing vehicles… Nothing like an old, rusty truck to use as reference.
Today's blog post was my response to Jon Young's What the Robin Knows, which focused on developing good listening habits, in the context of advice about how to listen to birds
Architizer : Branding in Motion: How Architects Can Build Identity Beyond the Screen https://architizer.com/blog/practice/materials/branding-in-motion-kriskadecor-kdo-kinetic-system/ #Materials #Sponsored #Practice
How to practice and master music
with minimal frustration
Mindfulness and music study skills are
the key to rewarding practice. But first, a sobering quote from Mark Twain: "Man is the animal most capable of learning from the experience of others ...but few do."
#musicians #learning #practice
Knowledge, attitudes, and use of the Mediterranean diet in practice among dietitians in the United Arab Emirates: a cross-sectional study https://www.diningandcooking.com/1957530/knowledge-attitudes-and-use-of-the-mediterranean-diet-in-practice-among-dietitians-in-the-united-arab-emirates-a-cross-sectional-study/ #Attitudes #dietitians #diseases #HealthCare #HealthOccupations #HumanitiesAndSocialSciences #knowledge #Mediterranean #MediterraneanDiet #multidisciplinary #practice #science #UnitedArabEmirates