Webb’s Dazzling New Photo Shows Pair of Growing Stars https://petapixel.com/2025/03/11/webbs-dazzling-new-photo-shows-pair-of-growing-stars/ #jameswebbspacetelescope #protostars #astronomy #science #Space #space #stars #News #jwst #webb
That's 0 for 5 now, as three more GO proposals as co-I bite the dust.
Confirming again just how damn hard it is to get #JWST observing time.
Of course, it's good that the telescope we worked to build for more than a quarter of a century is so powerful & in high demand.
But I don't think it's something that should be crowed about either, as we all know that anything in the top third, say, is an excellent proposal.
After that, it becomes random at best, biased in other ways at worst.
And indeed the actual #JWST telescope general observer (GO) proposal results are coming out now in addition to the archival research (AR) ones.
Current status as co-I: 0 for 2, one AR proposal, one GO.
The latter was ranked in the first quintile of all proposals submitted & still didn't get time. But then the oversubscription rate was 9:1
#JWST rejections going out. I'm beginning to think we might need another one of these to help lower the oversubscription!
And so it begins – the results of the heavily over-subscribed #JWST Cycle 4 proposal round are arriving.
Or at least the ones for Archival Research programmes are; I haven't seen any actual observing programme ones yet.
Either way, when all the results start flowing, expect a few excited people & many disappointed ones in your timeline
We already know he hates ground based Astronomy, I figure he'll be looking at all the Space Telescopes, wondering what the profit in them all is and shutting them down.
He's erasing Grace Hopper, he'll be renaming the Nancy Grace Roman telescope after a white dude.
JWST NIRCam and MIRI image of Arp 142, also known as NGC 2936, NGC 2937, and UGC 5130, or the Penguin and the Egg.
The Penguin is a spiral galaxy whose shape has been distorted by the gravity of the elliptical Egg galaxy. The two are about 100,000 light-years apart and completed a close pass between 25 and 75 million years ago.
Source: https://webbtelescope.org/contents/media/images/2024/124/01J06XYGEDEE86D1H9N5EJ9EG0
Das #JWST hat beeindruckende Bilder des entstehenden Sternsystems Lynds 483 geliefert. Die Aufnahmen zeigen zwei junge Protosterne im Zentrum einer Gas- und Staubscheibe, umgeben von faszinierenden Strukturen. https://winfuture.de/news,149420.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
#JWST at it again!
This is Lynds 483 -- two protostars putting on a show!
.. also in re: #InternationalWomensDay -- Lynds refers to Beverly T. Lynds (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beverly_Turner_Lynds)
NASA Webb Wows With Incredible Detail in Actively Forming Star System
Cette image proche infrarouge montre l’histoire des éjections des deux étoiles en formation active dans Lynds 483.
Source : Télescope James-Webb, NASA
#astrophysique #NASA #Webb #JWST #étoiles #infrarouge #images
Image / Crédit : Claire Blome et Christine Pulliam, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland
Hot new #JWST image just dropped. (Literally hot; the temperature inside this object can reach upward of 25,000 degrees.)
Meet the planetary #nebula NGC 1514, aka the "Crystal Ball Nebula". It's about 1500 light years away from Earth in the direction of the constellation Taurus.
Planetary nebulae occur toward the end of the lives of #stars that have about the mass of the Sun. They shed their outer layers into space, leaving behind an Earth-sized star called a white dwarf. Its temperature can be up to about 100,000 degrees, so it emits a lot of ultraviolet and X-ray light. That light energizes the gas ejected during the earlier phase, lighting it up like a neon sign. (NGC 1514's white dwarf is the bright star at the center with the spikes, which are an artifact of the telescope's optics.)
This image is a composite of individual frames made through three colored filters by the Webb telescope's Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). The image shows two concentric shells of material whose bright edges appear as circles. It's actually an hourglass-shaped structure seen an angle inclined to our line of sight toward NGC 1514.
A newly published study finds that these rings are different than the reddish material inside them. The light they emit comes from very tiny grains of carbon-rich material given off by the progenitor star very late in its life.
But why the ring shapes? It turns out that the progenitor star was actually two, only one of which endured this phase of high mass loss. Energetic "winds" given off by the stellar pair shaped the carbon grains as they were pushed away from the system.
(Processing of this image was done by Judy Schmidt: https://www.flickr.com/photos/geckzilla/54206737999)
@vicgrinberg have you seen this yet? https://youtu.be/V2G5IR9gAqI?si=vwbK1h5LK9vRRSwf
Blackholes without X-ray emissions, only red light.
#JWST catches #Star vaporizing the #Hottest rocky #Exoplanets : Medium
How #NASA’s #Lunar #Trailblazer Will Make a Looping #Voyage to the #Moon : NASA
#Microplastics block #Blood flow in the #Brain, #Mouse study reveals : Nature
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
New #JWST image dropped: NGC 2283.
#ESA chose this spiral galaxy to be Picture Of The Month (POTM) for February 2025.
ESA/Webb, #NASA & CSA, A. Leroy
NGC 5248 (NIRCam image).
Processed by @thocarp.bsky.social
«James-Webb» prévoit un ciel partiellement nuageux sur la Neptune ultrachaude LTT 9779 b.
#astrophysique #science #exoplanète #Webb #TSJW #JWST #NASA #UdeM #ciel #météo #IREx #espace #NEAT #ASC