How Does A #Camera Actually Work? : Medium
#Pig #Organs in #People: The #Future of cross-species #Transplants : Misc
Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men? : Ny Times
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How Does A #Camera Actually Work? : Medium
#Pig #Organs in #People: The #Future of cross-species #Transplants : Misc
Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men? : Ny Times
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The End of #Science as a Useful #Tool : Medium
#NIH to #Terminate hundreds of active #Research #Grants : Nature
10 #IceAge #Animals: meet the #Extraordinary #Beasts that #Thrived when the #World was #Frozen : Disc Wild Life
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A #Fascinating #Illustration of Why We Need #Imaginary #Numbers : Medium
#Woman in #Cancer #Remission for record 19 years after #CAR-T #Immune #Treatment : Nature
A whole new #World of tiny beings challenges fundamental ideas of #Life : New Sci
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Could a “copy” of me exist in the #Multiverse? : Medium
#OpenAI’s ‘#DeepResearch’ tool: is it useful for #Scientists? : Nature
On the #Brink: 10 #Endangered species of the #NicobarIslands : Misc
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#Saving the #Planet: Incremental Change is Not Good Enough : Medium
#NASA #Scientists Find New #Human-Caused Shifts in #Global #WaterCycle : NASA
The #Hidden #Mathematics behind why you find things #Beautiful : Big Think
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What Past #Oceans Tell Us About Our #Climate’s #Future : Medium
What lies beneath #Europa’s #Icy surface? Perhaps a #Heart of #Metal ($) : Nature
#DarkOxygen: New deep #Sea #Expedition to #Explore #Mysterious #Discovery : New Sci
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A wonderful #Coincidence or an expected #Connection: why Pi^2 approx g. : Medium
#Quantum #Teleportation can survive through busy #Internet #Cables : New Sci
#Asteroid #Fragments upend #Theory of how #Life on #Earth #Bloomed : Nature
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New #Research Reveals Two #History-Changing #Discoveries : Medium
#Algorithms Need #Managers, Too : HBR
#AI is changing how we study #Bird #Migration : Tech Review
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10 #Planetary #Facts that extend beyond our #SolarSystem : Medium
#Scientists Re-Create the Conditions That #Sparked Complex #Life : WIRED
Meet My Pal, the #Ancient #Philosopher : Misc
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#JWST catches #Star vaporizing the #Hottest rocky #Exoplanets : Medium
How #NASA’s #Lunar #Trailblazer Will Make a Looping #Voyage to the #Moon : NASA
#Microplastics block #Blood flow in the #Brain, #Mouse study reveals : Nature
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Global #Sea #Ice Just Hit a #Record Low : Medium
Trillions of #Comets #Discovered #Orbiting #Alien #Planet systems (image) :
#Elusive phase change finally spotted in a #Quantum #Simulator : New Sci
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6174: The Most #Useless #Fascinating #Number I Have Come Across : Medium
#AI #Hallucinations can’t be stopped — but these #Techniques can limit their #Damage : Nature
#People With #ADHD Are Likely to #Die Significantly Earlier Than Their #Peers, #Study Finds : NY Times
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7 Ongoing #Conundrums in #Astrophysics : Medium
A simple #Exercise from #Yale’s #Happiness Lab will help you make #Decisions that lead to long-term happiness : Misc
The second #Wave of #AI #Coding is here : Tech Review
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#Evading the #ImmuneSystem : Medium
Our #Universe is #Expanding #Faster than science can explain, sending #Physics into "#Crisis" mode :
Why do #Birds lay #Blue #Eggs? : Disc WildLife
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Did LIGO just see its most important gravitational wave ever? : Medium
'#DarkOxygen' #Mission takes aim at other #Worlds : BBC
#AirPollution and #Brain damage: what the #Science says : Nature
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#Coffee May Actually Be a #Superfood : Medium
#Giant #IceAge #Landforms discovered deep beneath #NorthSea revealed in #Amazing detail : Live Sci
World's largest #Telescope threatened by #Light #Pollution from #Renewable #Energy project :
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10 insights about the #Expanding #Universe from a #Nobel #Laureate : Medium
New #Obesity #Definition Shifts Focus From #BMI – Here's The #Science Behind It : Misc
The #Future of #Technology: Top 5 #Skills to #Learn in #2025 : Misc
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The 2 Milion Years #Rain That Made #Dinosaurs Possible : Medium
#Whale makes epic #Migration, #Astonishing #Scientists : BBC
#OpenAI has created an #AI #Model for #Longevity #Science : Tech Review
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The #Future of Our #World : Medium
#Laser technique measures vast distances with #Nanometre #Precision : Medium
What's the #Heaviest #Animal ever? Newly discovered 39 million year-old #Whale crowned heaviest of all time : Disc Wild Life
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