It's a friend's Birthday and she did send me this as one of her songs for today. I like.
Vermilia - Hautavajo
#Blackmetal #FemaleFronted
Currently listening (closing the day) Pupil Slicer - Wounds upon my skin
Hej #flensburg und drumrum! Der #Hafermarkt macht wieder auf und wir haben die tollen #PaddelnOhneKanu eingeladen, mit uns dort Radau zu machen! Kommt alle! #live #diy #punkrock #deutschpunk #femalefronted @punk
DARKK – Home (FIRST SINGLE OUT NOW!) #metalcore #femalefronted
#darkk put out their first single "HOME"! – Follow:
via YouTube
#Ghosther released a new song yesterday, so #TheSundayStarter was easy to choose.
GHOSTHER – Undertow
Mit meiner Band #mutterwilltanzen spielen wir am 31.08. auf einer Privatveranstaltung in #Lärz und suchen jetzt für Freitag den 30.08. noch eine Show auf dem Weg, also zb #Lübeck, #Hamburg, #Wismar, #Schwerin, #Rostock oder so... Wir machen #deutschpunk und sind insgesamt pflegeleicht, pipapo...
Vielleicht hat ja jemand ne Idee, gerne auch #boosten, danke!
#femalefronted #live
Doing a female fronted metal night. Just me, booze, chips and youtube. In other words a night for me.
See replies for where my journey takes me.
VISIONS OF ATLANTIS Announces New Album, 'Pirates II – Armada'
Ohhhh, heute wird endlich mal wieder geprobt mit #mutterwilltanzen! Haben wir endlich n neuen Gitarristen? Unklar, vielleicht, hoffentlich... Hab ich Bock Lärm zu machen? Unbedingt!!! #punk #femalefronted #flensburg #prost
Just saw where Illumishade is going to be swinging through Seattle and am looking forward to catching that show. I did a reaction vid and enjoyed it, so much that I started checking out some of their other material.
Eine richtig gutes #Punk #Album, über das ich erst letztes Jahr gestolpert bin, das dieses Jahr aber schon 20 Jahre auf dem Buckel hat:
Ansicht X - Lebenslabyrinth
#femalefronted #deutschpunk at its best
Anspieltipp: Lasst uns Träumen
#NowPlaying #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying
Naughty Christmas
Naughty Christmas
YouTube Search:
Song Link:
BravePicks 2023 - BURNING WITCHES' The Dark Tower #20
Where does the time go? 2023 seems like a blur as we continued to rebound from COVID, the music industry still struggling to get back on their feet. But metalheads have always been strong survivors and music ruled the day...
#BurningWitches #TheDarkTower # BravePicks2023 #PowerMetal #HeavyMetal #Europe #Risingband #Newalbum #FemaleFronted #HardRock #SpeedMetal
Oh, and be sure to check out Novelist's latest "Prisoner" too! Real sock ya in the face prog metal (or #prog post-#postmetal #guitar #femalefronted #postprogmetal band... or ya know, some variance of subgenres like that).
just thinking about introducing a hashtag for #FemaleFronted Metal / Rock because, well, I like it and think it's still a little under- appreciated sometimes ... here's some ideas, please leave a vote (or a comment, especially if you got a better idea or know of an already existing tag)
IN THIS MOMENT Announces 'Godmode' Album, Shares 'The Purge' Single
"Some people will be like, Thats not what metal is. I know. Thats the point." Meet Scene Queen: innovator of 'bimbocore' and the artist calling out predators in the metal scene
Pink, sparkly and packing sugar-sweet hooks and slamming riffs in equal measure, Scene Queen is unlike anything else in metal right now