Et voici ma nouvelle #vidéo sur @mozideos sur le thème de la #verrerie de Soisy sur École et sa #fabrication #artisanale d'#objets en verre... Réalisé avec 2 #musiques de sur

Et voici ma nouvelle #vidéo sur @mozideos sur le thème de la #verrerie de Soisy sur École et sa #fabrication #artisanale d'#objets en verre... Réalisé avec 2 #musiques de sur
Thought Bubble:
reusing stainless from specific truck salvages to make pins, buttons, toys, fidgets, and other items.
No one with FreeCAD, CNC (or machine shop access) or a hydrolic press from harbor frieght could ever possibly make a die and stamp set to make very clever symbols with all of that stainless.
It's as if we AREN'T the means of production.
Gosh stop trying so hard.
"[A]bout a decade ago, I was helping to refine a system for fabricating chips using extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light.
I realized that many aspects of this process have intriguing similarities to what happens during a supernova: a sudden explosion, an expanding cloud of plasma debris, and a shock wave that slams into a thin hydrogen environment. (Interstellar material consists mostly of hydrogen.)"
What a whirlwind few days!
My collaboration with Alicia Eggert opened at Urbanglass in downtown Brooklyn (up till May 5th) go see it an bring a friend - you will need to work together to activate it.
Ali an I went on a VERY memorable date. I also bent this happy sun for an artist with an upcoming show named Alex Paat.
Ali an I also went to Luna Luna- this Basquiat drawing Ferris wheel was my favorite, (although the Harring carousel and Dali mirror sphere were close seconds).
We ate at Dirt Candy- perhaps the most delicious veggies I have ever tasted.
Oh an I baked bread 10! Not good rise, but fantastic taste. Once again, 4/5ths the flour mass is additives :) olives an pecans this time. Delectable sandwiches... But also hard to resist just eating it with nothing else.
Fabrication d'un réchaud à alcool en canette aluminium de 33cL.
Join @ishotjr and a panel of special guests TONIGHT!!!
as we dive deep to explore the coolest high-tech digital #fabrication tools for your #workshop, from #LaserCutters to #3Dprinters to #CNC machines! Register now for our V92 #LaunchParty!
Join @ishotjr and a panel of special guests TOMORROW as we dive deep to explore the coolest high-tech digital #fabrication tools for your #workshop, from #LaserCutters to #3Dprinters to #CNC machines! Register now for our V92 #LaunchParty!
2023 VS Event: MDF, various finishes, hardware, graphic applications. Rhino.
#Events #Design #Fabrication #WorkSamples
2019 WB Daybed: White Oak, Upholstery. Solidworks.
#Furniture #Design #Fabrication #WorkSamples
Je me lance à demander avis et conseils pour fabriquer un vélo couché.
Donc si des gens ont des idées ou veulent relayer, c'est top.
Je ne fais plus de trajets supérieurs à 40 bornes en vélo droit, ça m'est devenu insupportable !
#velo #velotaf @velotaf #vélocouchés #vélocouché #velorizontal #fabrication #artisanat #métallurgie #soudure #atelier #conception #ingéniérie #optimisation #vtc #tractiondirecte #td #speculoos #cruzbike #recumbent #cyclisme #rando
Join @ishotjr and a panel of special guests as we dive deep to explore the coolest high-tech digital #fabrication tools for your #workshop, from #LaserCutters to #3Dprinters to #CNC machines! Register now for our Thursday, February 20th V92 #LaunchParty!
[ PÉPITE ] - Depuis 2013, une formidable communauté mondiale grandit, faite de citoyens engagés contre la pollution des déchets plastiques, présente dans 56 pays aujourd'hui. Je vous présente PRECIOUS PLASTIC !
One defect of chain-of-thought AI models that no one seems to be talking about is their tacit incentive to manipulate data. Sure, I'm worried about the weight exfiltration in OpenAI's "system card" for its flagship O model, but are you likely to notice changes in the spreadsheet you upload?
Atelier DIY couture de jockstraps contraceptifs
14 janvier 2025, 18:30:00 CET - GMT+1 - 7 Rue Magdeleine, 44200, Nantes, France
Atelier DIY d'anneaux de contraception en silicone
14 janvier 2025, 18:30:00 CET - GMT+1 - 7 Rue Magdeleine, 44200, Nantes, France
Cass has reworked our bird foot pattern! This is just the mockup, but we're quite happy with how it shaped up! Now on to the final version :>
Atelier DIY d'anneaux de contraception en silicone
9 décembre 2024, 18:30:00 CET - GMT+1 - 7 Rue Magdeleine, 44200, Nantes, France
Atelier DIY d'anneaux de contraception en silicone
9 décembre 2024, 18:30:00 CET - GMT+1 - 7 Rue Magdeleine, 44200, Nantes, France
Atelier DIY couture de jockstraps contraceptifs
9 décembre 2024, 18:30:00 CET - GMT+1 - 7 Rue Magdeleine, 44200, Nantes, France
Atelier DIY couture de jockstraps contraceptifs
12 novembre 2024, 18:30:00 CET - GMT+1 - 7 Rue Magdeleine, 44200, Nantes, France