You forgot #Ebay
Are there any #decentralised #escrow services, which is essentially what Ebay is?
I've been reading about #openbazaar and #bitify
That's a hard one to replace.
You forgot #Ebay
Are there any #decentralised #escrow services, which is essentially what Ebay is?
I've been reading about #openbazaar and #bitify
That's a hard one to replace.
For Trump to appeal yesterday's judgment, he will likely have to put the entire $83.3 million in escrow, or to convince a bonding company to help him out.
The bonding company assistance may not be very likely, given the current disarray in Trump's finances.
@bhawthorne @mhoye well, you don't have to trust anyone.
You could host yourself a "full node" for #Monero and choose where to spend or exchange it.
And #TxProof allows independent verification that a transaction happened, so even in a dispute case before some #Escrow you'd have clear-cut evidence that a transaction happened.
@sec_yote_agenda yeah, that's very sad and I sincerely hope this doesn't happen to anyone - whether they just wasted time waiting or even took money and ran...
Granted I'm more used in #IT and espechally #ITsec, #InfoSec, #OpSec and #ComSec where a minor fuckup will ruin decades of reputation-building in seconds and it's more or less impossible to recover from that...
So it's quite the opposite...
So #Escrow seems more than reasonable to enshure people ain't paying and/or working for nothing.
@sec_yote_agenda Shure...
#Escrow exists as intermediary that guarantees the solvency of the client and can act as mediator in case of a dispute.
There's a reason why modern versions like #Multisig are the norm for Cryptocurrency payments between non-trusting parties...
@sec_yote_agenda OFC one can do both.
I'd just not trust any #escrow and instead require more #vetting of said businesses instead.
Basics that they'd have to publish anyway in almost all juristictions if not on theor products by regulatory rules...
@sec_yote_agenda Personally, I think that instead of #Escrow making actual #Reputation as key decision part is a more viable option.
After all the #Furry community should be able to use #Keyoxide (or even #Keybase) to verify producers and reviews to make scamming harder and more expensive.
Sadly this would kinda raise the bar for new suitmakers, but it would reward those doing their craft longterm and having good customer relations.
Escrow exist for juristictions w/o consumer protections...
I didn't like #walkaway enough to strongly recommend it, although a lot of the techno-political ideas were cool.
In particular, a conflict resolution 'app' one community uses, which keeps everyone's vote anonymous until a certain threshold is reached.
Anyone know of something like that out there? #escrow #zeroknowledgeproof
1 Historically without #internationaltreaty for this, preservation is only via #emulators, mostly for conservartos and researchers, but not for original owners.
2 Most practical resources I know, post other useful ones!
2 Call for #medicaldevice #maintainability #reparability new #InternationalLaw in order to enforce #righttorepair via #escrow assurance to open all things.
Yet also applies to any devices before going into the market:
Crypto Traders Defy China’s Crackdown With Secretive Bets
"The hard-to-trace nature of #transactions on local #OTC platforms and peer-to-peer networks means it will be extremely difficult for authorities to enforce a wholesale #ban."
"The digital coins, usually held in #escrow by the OTC platform until the #yuan #payment clears, are then transferred to the #buyer. #Chinese #regulators often have no way to connect one step of the transaction to the other."
Is Yet Another #escrow Project to Become a Big Deal for Investment Process? #cointelegraph #escroco