@mariam_al_masri_author (This might interest you. And what ever discussion results.)
I translate some. But to retain the flavor I use some transliteration, but only after I carefully work in what the words mean. I footnote rarely unless I am quoting something or it seems important. Like I have used an archaic word. Often it is in a glossary or table of characters.
Some examples:
“But excuse me, I am being rude. I am Yakkai Yogen, Seer of the Left, Servant of Her Majesty the Empress.”
The name and title would be 厄介予言左の陰陽道
The name is transliterated, which is what do with all names. I may provide the kanji in a glossary, but seldom translate them. So in the example I would provide the Kanji but not the translation, “Troublesome Prophet”
The table of characters reads: "Yakkai Yogen (厄介予言) Seer of the Left (厄介予言左の陰陽道) Empress’s inugami familiar:
The rest is translated. I never correct Seer to the more correct Onmyōdō; way of Yin and Yang; occult divination system based on the Taoist theory of the five elements.
It is too complicate and I not writing historical fiction.
But I eventually work in how the Empress is referred to and addressed when a friend explains to the main characters.
“Don’t use the Empress’s name; always address her as Heika, ‘Her Majesty,’ and, when referring to her, use Kōgō Heika. Takiyasha-hime, as she was known while alive, led an undead army against Emperor Suzaku and still hates the imperial line. The details are unimportant. What is important is to address her appropriately. Your lives depend on it.”
I use a rare footnote, however, below are sample exceptions.
*Utaushō (歌う閶) and Kagurashō (神楽閶) are sister kodama (tree spirits) guarding the path to Hanayome-shin’s shrine. Their names mean “Singing Gate of Heaven” and “Divine Gate of Sacred Music.” Ura sings, and Kagu plays a kagurabue flute.
* Nagamatsu Tomo (永松友雄) 永 means eternal, 松 means pine, and 友 means companion.
The first one is because the 閶 kanji is archaic and even someone interested in the names would have a difficult time with them.
The second, because it is relevant why this name is being used.
Like most translation it is more an art than a science.
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