Ohhh, the legendary 2000 AD comic crew is bringing out a Slaine Definitive Edition in April 2025, in hardback and paperback. Pat Mills, Angie Kincaid, Massimo Belardinelli and Mick McMahon. Fabulous Celtic Barbarian goodness!
Ohhh, the legendary 2000 AD comic crew is bringing out a Slaine Definitive Edition in April 2025, in hardback and paperback. Pat Mills, Angie Kincaid, Massimo Belardinelli and Mick McMahon. Fabulous Celtic Barbarian goodness!
Skoro już wróciłem, to czas nadgonić nieco cykl z historią sztuki w komiksie (tym bardziej że folder z przygotowanymi na przyszłość materiałami pęcznieje).
Dziś mam dla Was kolejny materiał z polecanki. Za zwrócenie mi na niego uwagi dziękuję Michałowi Kondrackiemu.
U góry: John Everett Millais, "Ofelia" ("Ophelia"), 1851-1852.
Na dole: "Slaine: Dragontamer Part 1", "2000 AD", nr 2212, 2020, scen. Pat Mills, mal. Leonardo Manco.
P.S. Kilka dni temu do przedsprzedaży trafiło polskie wydanie tego komiksu – "Slaine: Pogromca smoków" od Studio Lain.
#655 2000AD Prog 496. IPC Magazines, 15 November 1986. John Wagner, Alan Grant, Pat Mills, Mike Collins, Mark Farmer, Carlos Ezquerra, Peter Milligan, Brendan McCarthy, Massimo Belardinelli, Ian Gibson, Simon Geller, Steve Dillon, Cliff Robinson. #2000AD #JudgeDredd #StrontiumDog #AceTruckingCo #Sláine #RogueTrooper #SoonerOrLater #BookOfTheDay
The Irish hero Cú Chulainn suffered from the ríastrad, a battle frenzy in which his body transformed, such as one eye getting sucked into his head while the other dangled down his cheek, his feet facing backwards, or the skin pulled back from his lips and cheeks. Massimo Belardinelli
Humble Bundle has a 2000 A.D. bundle of comics up now. It looks very cool.
#comics #2000AD #JudgeDredd #Slaine #NikolaiDante #HumbleBundle
2000 AD Character Spotlight by Rebellion (pay what you want and help charity) https://www.humblebundle.com/books/2000-ad-character-spotlight-rebellion-books
>We’ve bundled a massive collection of 2000 AD comics including the adventures of beloved characters Judge Dredd, Slaine, and Nikolai Dante!
New 2000AD Humble Bundle looks pretty cool. Some token Judge Dredd, then a load of Slaine and Nikolai Dante stuff. And the brilliant complete Caballistics and Absalom works.
#2000AD #JudgeDredd #Comics #GraphicNovels #HumbleBundle #Absalom #Caballistics #Slaine #NikolaiDante #DevlinWaugh
#84 2000AD Prog 454. IPC Magazines, 25 Jan 1986. Alan Moore, Ian Gibson, Alan Grant, Carlos Ezquerra, Pat Mills, David Pugh, T.B. Grover, Cam Kennedy, Massimo Belardinelli, Brett Ewins. #2000AD #StrontiumDog #Sláine #JudgeDredd #HaloJones #AceTruckingCo #BookOfTheDay
#69 2000AD Prog 453. IPC Magazines, 18 Jan 1986. Alan Moore, Ian Gibson, Alan Grant, Carlos Ezquerra, Pat Mills, David Pugh, T.B. Grover, Cam Kennedy, Massimo Belardinelli. #2000AD #StrontiumDog #Sláine #JudgeDredd #HaloJones #AceTruckingCo #BookOfTheDay
#56 2000AD Prog 452. IPC Magazines, 11 Jan 1986. Alan Moore, Ian Gibson, Alan Grant, Carlos Ezquerra, Pat Mills, David Pugh, T.B. Grover, Cam Kennedy, Massimo Belardinelli. #2000AD #StrontiumDog #Sláine #JudgeDredd #HaloJones #AceTruckingCo #BookOfTheDay