Eight! This is the first of two eighth nights of Chanukah in 2025. #ShareTheLights #Chanukah #Jewish
Eight! This is the first of two eighth nights of Chanukah in 2025. #ShareTheLights #Chanukah #Jewish
Four (from shul and home)! #ShareTheLights #Jewish #Chanukah
Eight! After fulfilling the mitzvah of eating Chinese Food, I'm now watching my fifth movie (Lincoln, directed by Steven Spielberg) since Saturday evening. #ShareTheLights #Chanukah #Jewish #movies #film #Netflix #Lincoln #LincolnMovie #StevenSpielberg #Mazeldon @mazeldon
Seven! #FiddlerOnTheRoof has become a December 24 tradition. #Chanukah #Jewish #Movies #film #Mazeldon #ShareTheLights @mazeldon