"Democrats are really going to regret not standing up to Trump, not just because they’ll lose voters, but because they’ll lose a democratic system where having more voters is the way you gain power."
Brian Klaas
"Democrats are really going to regret not standing up to Trump, not just because they’ll lose voters, but because they’ll lose a democratic system where having more voters is the way you gain power."
Brian Klaas
Ok, I did a bad reason and a good reason, but here's anther bad reason.
What does the Chuck Say?
#PrimaryChuckSchumer #PrimaryThemAll
The best communications infrastructure in the world will not help if all it can report to the public is "Dems caved again"... "for the third time this week elected Democrats rolled over and played dead"... "Democrats show no balls and refuse to fight leading many to wonder if they have any principles at all."
Elon's Exploding Rockets Are 100% Wasteful Corruption
They cost taxpayers $$$ Billions.
They will never work.
It's one massive scam.
If you can, try to find time to visit your Congressperson's local office. Tell them in person that they must do everything possible to impeach the lawless scumbag dictator who is shredding our democracy.
There was a time when Members of Congress thought that illegal activity, like defying court orders, by the Executive Branch was grounds for impeachment.
We need to demand that the House of Reps take decisive action to restore the rule of law immediately.
Call your Congresspeople. Ask them if they think it's ok for the president and his staff to break the law any time they feel like it.
everyone shouts "cowardice!!! cowardice!!!"
but it takes nerves of steel to stand motionless as a psychopath raises a Samurai sword over his head fully intending to split your skull in two
which has been the Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries policy since 2016.
The harder we come down on Schumer right now, the less likely Jeffries will be to roll over for the orange fascist in the future.
Texas and Florida have extreme partisan gerrymanders.
Dems took the high road and refused to gerrymander New York and California.
the result is that the Fascists control the House of Reps.
No more high road. Too much is at stake.
Pelosi stans love to post this image as if it proves that Nancy was the greatest leader ever.
but then when you ask a few simple questions like:
What was that meeting about? Why was she there? What did she accomplish at that meeting?
they block you.
Kirsten Gillibrand voted with the Fascist who's destroying our 250-year-old republic.
If you're from New York, called her and demand that she resign immediately.
I pretty much always disagree with old man Chuck Schumer.
I pretty much always agree with young woman AOC.
but age and gender are NOT the relevant factors here. You can be old and smart. You can be male and correct about issue x or y.
"Trump buys a Tesla" is meaningless fluff with zero impact on anything.
but this headline will get far more attention than anything any Democrat has done in the last 10 years.
In this media environment RWNJs swim like dolphins while Elected Democrats drowned and got eaten by crabs years ago.
#Jeffries #Schumer #Durbin #Pelosi #RaiseTheBar #PrimaryThemAll #DemandMore #uspol #USPolitics #journalism #media #socialmedia #MakeThemFight #Hardball #impeach #impeachment #DoSomething #tesla
and they enthusiastically cheered for the most vacuous performative bullshit.
"She wore a red coat and sunglasses!!! She rules!!!!" "She called him obese!!!" "She tore up some papers!!! On Live TV!!!" "Snarky Clap!!! Queen!!!"
Pelosi-ism demanded that they punt on first down.
Jeffries is honoring that proud tradition.
This is exactly how I felt in January 2017.
Corruption levels were off the charts and nobody was reacting.
Pelosi did about 99.5% less than the general public believe she did.
#Jeffries #Schumer #Durbin #Pelosi #Clark #RaiseTheBar #PrimaryThemAll #DemandMore #uspol #USPolitics #journalism #media #socialmedia #MakeThemFight #Hardball #impeach #impeachment #DoSomething
Maybe newly-minted House Speaker Hakeem Jeffries will in 2027 bring back the fabulous "That fascist? Oh, he's self-impeaching" strategy that Nancy used to totally crush Donold back in 2019.