"The flowers [chabana] should be such as they are in the moor."
-The first rule from Sen-no-Rikyū's (千利休 1522-91) "Rikyū shichisoku" (利休七則 "Rikyū's Seven Precepts").
"The flowers [chabana] should be such as they are in the moor."
-The first rule from Sen-no-Rikyū's (千利休 1522-91) "Rikyū shichisoku" (利休七則 "Rikyū's Seven Precepts").
So what is the difference between chabana (茶花), flowers for the tearoom, and ikebana (生け花)?
The photos below show chabana.
Unlike the more stylised ikebana, as a general rule flowers for the tearoom appear more naturalistic, bringing the world outside into the alcove.
"Not only beautiful flowers but also buds and withered flowers have life, and each has its own beauty. By arranging flowers with reverence, one refines oneself.”
-Sennō Kuden (池坊専応口伝).
You may remember that I've mentioned the beautiful flower arrangements of our friend Murakami Mondo (村上主水) in previous posts.
Today I want to delve into the world of ikebana and show off some of Murakami-san's extraordinary work.
I've been seeing a girl for a few months now, and I haven't been able to see her in person for a few weeks because of life stuff. We have a date coming up, so I decided to learn a little about floral arrangement and maker her a bouquet (it's in a vase for now, but I'm gonna wrap them up to deliver them).
I've never done anything like this before. How'd I do? Are my flower choices alright? Colors good? Any tips for the future?
#Flowers #Floral #FlowerArrangement #FloralArrangement #Bouquet #Date #Dating #Handmade #Craft #DIY
「秀美」 ("Grace") by Mita, February 2023
Had a brilliant time at a @reeceeaton workshop making a Christmas centre piece
Wonderful bit of de-stress and creativity. Really kind and helpful tutor as well!
Closeup Red Rose and Lily
Canon 50D - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro Lens - ISO 800 - Aperture: f/4.5 - Shutter Speed: 1/50 sec
Floral Arrangement
Canon SL2/200D - Canon EF-S 18-135mm Lens - ISO 12800 - Aperture: f/4.5 - Shutter Speed: 1/200 sec
Floral Arrangement
Canon 50D - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro Lens - ISO 800 - Aperture: f/4.5 - Shutter Speed: 1/30 sec