Come fly with me, let's fly let's fly... from Inverness to Glasgow via Aviemore :D #Scotland #FlightSimulator2020
Come fly with me, let's fly let's fly... from Inverness to Glasgow via Aviemore :D #Scotland #FlightSimulator2020
Microsoft's free DUNE Ornithopter content pack is pretty slick. Also fun to use the craft in more Earthly settings. #FS2020
Impressive flying boat for Microsoft Flight Simulator. And it has six engines, does that mean they have increased the limit? (Somewhat sadly, the maximum number of engines in an aircraft in MSFS has been four since forever, even in MSFS2020.)
But maybe this add-on is just faking it and internally the simulator uses just four in its calculations, and two more engines are just visually simulated? Will have to read newest SDK docs. #FlightSimulator #FlightSimulator2020
Hey Fedifriends. I recently jumped back into flight simulation and am looking to make friends with others in the hobby to learn with I fly a mix of DCS, IL2 Sturmovik, and MSFS2020 (also listed in order of hours I've accrued on each), and usually on evenings US West Coast Pacific timezone after work / and on weekends. If we share a platform and a timezone I'd love to hear from you
See you in the internet skies
#flightsim #dcs #msfs2020 #il2 #FlightSimulator2020 #flightsimulation #DigitalCombatSimulator
(re-toots / signal boosting appreciated)
Flying a Pelican from #Halo over #Monaco because......reasons! #FlightSimulator2020
#FlightSimulator2020 même sur #XboxSeriesS c'est pas degueu ...
Took a quick flight in #flightsimulator2020 on my lunch. I look down on the instruments for a moment, next thing the windows look like this. Can't be good.
September was a month of #gaming. The new #flightsimulator2020, #f12020 and yesterday I ended up with #StarWarsSquadrons. To be honest, I needed a bit of a break from writing but also from the kids virtual school stuff. #gaming is a great escape in that sense.
#FlightSimulator2020 peut-il aider les journalistes à mener des enquêtes sur des crimes de guerre ou des camps d'internement ? La rédaction de Bellingcat s'est penchée dessus.
Avec #Flightsimulator2020, ils connaissent, ça utilise OSM pour la majorité des bâtiments (certains, comme Notre Dame supprimés???). Bon le #FLOSS #FlightGear modélise déjà la planète depuis une bonne décennie, utilise OSM depuis ~5 ans pour les routes et rivière, et dans des scénars à faire à la main pour les bâtiments. Ils se battent vraiment depuis 2 ans à une poignée en bénévolat pour intégrer tous les bâtiments de la planète d'OSM dans le scénar de base.
Instant détente et histoire du jeu vidéo, les 4 premiers Flight Simulator jouables en ligne sur ce site !
This game is unreasonably beautiful. #FlightSimulator2020
the closest I can get to for now... #FlightSimulator2020
I like how the #FlightSimulator2020 release has caused a ton of people to sell decade-old yokes on eBay for double their retail prices
今天早上我们起来一查,原来这个asobo studio是法国公司。我们:哦,毕竟是买进土豆生产bug是国家……
怨念的同事:“我现在相信这东西一定是日本人开发的” #FlightSimulator2020