When will #cyclists realise they cannot pass pedestrians millimetres away at 30km an hour?
Not only is it highly dangerous, but it’s absolutely terrifying for the victim. I am still shaking.
When will #cyclists realise they cannot pass pedestrians millimetres away at 30km an hour?
Not only is it highly dangerous, but it’s absolutely terrifying for the victim. I am still shaking.
A bit long for here so I put it on my journal [§2024-08-21 @08:52 +0200]
Wow, potential Streisand effect for this company, how much thought did they put into this? #cycling #closepass https://road.cc/content/news/cyclist-threatened-with-legal-action-over-close-pass-clip-305935
I really do try to believe that most* drivers aren't careless about the lives of others, but rather clueless. That's why I put together videos from my handlebar camera to show, from a bicyclist's perspective, what their driving looks and feels like.
The video here is a sample of dangerous--egregiously dangerous--overtakes by motorists over the course of a year.
#BikeTooter #ClosePass #CrapDriving #SafeStreetsForAll #VisionZero #RoadSafety
*I said most.
@escapist @verkehrswende Gestern innerhalb von 2 Minuten einmal #ClosePass (<50cm) bei Gegenverkehr und bewusster #PunishmentPass (<50 cm ohne Gegenverkehr) mit anschließendem Ausbremsen, Beschimpfen und Beleidigen...
Ich weiß einfach nicht, was in den Köpfen dieser Menschen vor sich geht. Was müssen die kompensieren?
#Dosendeppen #Autoterror #Fahrrad #Berlin
This looks really poor. We need to have confidence that police forces are treating incidents with the seriousness they deserve. 213/286 (74%) reports resulting in no further action does not do that, and suggests undue leniency from #WMPolice.
North #Sheffield deliveries of #coffee completed by #bike today. Didn’t travel much by #bicycle in December partly because of weather but also because before that had too many close passes so opted for car.
Was fun #cycling today however & what I needed to get back into it. One #closepass that didn’t get on camera unfortunately but most of this route was off main roads so that helps. We will aim to #cycle when we can this year.
Fair play to West Mercia Police, I submitted this video of a #ClosePass at 12:25 and 48 minutes later received confirmation that they will be taking action against the driver.