@enron @douginamug @publicvoit
V2 rockets? We've got satellite communications now.
@eludom @enron @publicvoit hmmm... but v2 themselves aren't used...
I'm thinking of an example more along the lines of " the inventor of Torx Screws was a white supremacist" (<- not true to my knowledge!)
@douginamug @eludom @enron I don't get what you are trying to prove.
If Hitler himself would have derived a great mathematical formula, would this formula be less great or true because of Hitler being one of the biggest assholes ever lived?
As far as I know, Roger Waters (Ex-Pink Floyd) is an asshole (not in any similar category compared to Hitler!) but I love his music nevertheless.
@douginamug @eludom @enron FYI: I was not aware of the latest news when I wrote my message: https://www.nme.com/en_asia/news/music/david-gilmour-attacks-former-pink-floyd-bandmate-roger-waters-social-media-3394241