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update: Back to Spanner In The Works. The Enemy Civil War (trope name) revolves around a "Eugenics War". Which faction should control the Eugenics Institute: the Radical Futurists (longtermists), who want to modify & breed the oligarchs for space conquest; or the Superhumanists (accelerationists), who want to give oligarchs amazing superpowers now so they can psychically enslave baseline humanity/"the Fifth Men"? Which faction will create the "Sixth Men"/master race?

The first place I'm going to edit this background and the centrality of the Eugenics Institute to the elite-faction war into is Chapter 11, in which a pair of "Science Police" assassins try to murder our heroines only for electric-superpowered Desiree to seize root access, give them a "Banana Problem", and program them into leaping off Sia's balcony into Sinclair Inlet. Their presence at the same time as a notorious family of New African exorcists is utterly telling.


And it all begins with the slavelord and slave trader wealth that created and then destroyed the US/"Old Republic".

Editing now.


Spanner In The Works chapter 11 edited. Jennifer now identifies Sia's future mission client as AmeriSpace CEO Markoff and defines why he and IPM's Droste are enemies: Markoff is the "longtermist" who may be creating the Gundam universe, while Droste is the "accelerationist" who wants to force the Singularity by helping Superhumanist leader (and evil "Wizard of Oz") Dick Becket sacrifice Sia and steal her superpowers.

The "eugenics war" is now fully established.


The other thing I edited in Spanner In The Works chapter 11 was where Jennifer explains to Rico how the ruling Corporate caste's conformism, groupthink, and authoritarianism so corrupts the scientific project of finding truth by eliminating cultural biases that they privilege pseudosciences like eugenics and allowed the Standard Oil (Esso) monopoly to ban environmental science so that Jennifer, an environmental biologist, can get work only as a nude ballerina.


Next Spanner In The Works chapter to edit is 18, "Your Mission, If You Choose to Accept It", in which we first see Sia's client Sebastian K. Markoff, the AmeriSpace CEO. He's kind of a Jeff Bezos with Jack Dorsey's New Age faddism, the fashionable persona of a Hindu or Buddhist (but really Pythagorean) monk, AR goggles ringed with "blinkenlights", and blue skin from the colloidal silver intake fashionable among "libertarians" (and a pun on Blue Origin?).

Editing now.


Spanner In The Works chapter 18 edit complete. What I planned to do there, I already put in Chapter 11, so I didn't need to add it here. Sia asks Thurston at the Wilder Foundation why Markoff would want to hire "some halfbreed skindancer" who's his enemy Drusilla's stepdaughter, and Thurston says Markoff said "enemy of my enemy" and asked for Sia specifically. So she takes the mission for Markoff and starts building her mission team.


"Thurston" is Dr. Thurston Lane Wilder, chairman of the board of trustees of the James C. Wilder Foundation. The Wilders and Lanes are two major families. Sia's a Foundation trustee and their top agent because she's the great 20th-century hero Doc Wilder's granddaughter on her mother's side. Basically I'm aping the structure of novels in a longer and far less "pulpy" format.

That's it for tonight. Now to start practicing my drawing again.


postscript: There's a scene I'm adding to Rock City Blues where Sia's envy-ridden vigilante rival Stan "the Terrorist" Green accuses her of "grooming" because she refuses to beat her stepchildren at all, much less in public. Her reply:

Sia: "So you're telling me it's perfectly okay to rape your kids 'cause it establishes proper manly dominance, but *raising* your kids is 'grooming' 'cause it makes 'em weak, woke, gay, and altruist, and that's bad. Right, Stanley?"


Whoops! I forgot to *actually* finish my Spanner In The Works chapter 18 edit. I read the editing note and realized it's a lot bigger than I thought.

*paces around frantically* "O adorable and terrifyingly perverse muse, please show me where to edit that '10K titans are in evacuated NYC to get transhumanized into living corporations' passage into Chapter 18."


Dennis Jernberg

So I made a second edit to Spanner In The Works chapter 18 ("thank you oh great and glorious muse"; muse: "tee hee") and edited in Thurston saying Miss Rivkin, his Executive Assistant, confirms that 10K titans are indeed going to evacuated NYC to be transhumanized into living corporations. But in a way that it isn't a surprise to our heroines, which means I need to edit the surprise into Chapter 13.


And that extra edit to Spanner In The Works chapter 18, already obsessively edited, is now complete. That those 10K titans are in evacuated NYC to be transhumanized is also confirmation that IPM CEO Droste will indeed be there in person to supervise their mind transfer into their corporate AIs. He may or may not be a cyborg, but he's very much a mechanical man, which makes him all the more heartless a villain.

*This* ends today's editing session.
