#Spanner #AmEditing update: *confirms to self* Roko's Basilisk is the sensational guest star of Spanner In The Works chapter 16 (fear it, LessWrong rationalists), and, come to think of it, Roko's Succubus may in fact already be the secret star of chapter 33, taking the form of Babalon riding her Beast, tantrically summoned by Sia and her friend/mentor/lesbian lover Ariel, and killing 100K Jihadis all at once and probably any incels reading it as well.
But chapter 4's what I'm editing next. /1
There's 2 parts to Spanner In The Works chapter 4, one in Ariel's dream temple where she gathers the rest of the heroines as her fellow Dakinis, the other in which Sia turns one of her nude-videoblog provocations into an actual political provocation that kicks off the plot. In both I'll want to tweak a few things to foreground the "enemy civil war" between Radical Futurist and Superhumanist factions a little bit more, especially after what happened in chapter 3.
Rereading Spanner In The Works chapter 4 carefully. I've made some little tweaks in the #Dakini section, mostly involving rewording.
In the Sia nude-videoblog section, "the long tease is over."
But, it turns out, no changes needed there either. Sia knows there's no real difference between the two warring factions. They're both equally villainous. She's about to defeat them both.
All good.
Remember, I'm using the spelling "cybre" in honor/memory of cybre.space.